Column Selection/Edit panel

You use the Column Selection/Edit panel to edit a template.

Panel and field definitions

   Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)               Column Selection/Edit                 Line 1 of 16
 ------- Row Selection Criteria ---- (Use SQL/PF4 for full screen edit) -------
 1 Sel:                                                                       +

 Cmd Seq SHEX CL# Column name          Data type(length)  Null Default  Order A/D
                  ****  Top of data  ****
         S      1 EMPNO                CHARACTER(6)            None             
         S      2 FIRSTNME             VARCHAR(12)             None             
         S      3 MIDINIT              CHARACTER(1)            None             
         S      4 LASTNAME             VARCHAR(15)             None             
         S      5 WORKDEPT             CHARACTER(3)        Y   Null             
         S      6 PHONENO              CHARACTER(4)        Y   Null             
         S      7 HIREDATE             DATE                Y   Null             
         S      8 JOB                  CHARACTER(8)        Y   Null             
         S      9 EDLEVEL              SMALLINT            Y   Null             
         S     10 SEX                  CHARACTER(1)        Y   Null             
         S     11 BIRTHDATE            DATE                Y   Null             
         S     12 SALARY               DECIMAL(9,2)        Y   Null             
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
   F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=SQL       F5=RFind     F6=RunTemp
   F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Object type and name
The object type (TABLE or VIEW) and the name of the Db2® object being processed.
Row Selection Criteria
Field where you can enter a freeform SQL WHERE clause or expression that limits the rows selected from Db2®.

If the template already contains row selection criteria, FM/Db2 shows the corresponding WHERE clause in this field.

Prefix command area for entering template editor prefix commands:
S, SS, Sn, S*
Selecting (or deselecting) columns.
H, HH, Hn
Holding (or freeing) columns.
Changing the attributes of a column.
Displaying data for character columns in LHEX. The data for Binary and Varbinary columns is displayed in LHEX by default.
The display sequence number of the column (in a File Manager/Db2 editor session) indicating either of these:
  • The sequence number you have entered to change the sequence of the displayed columns.
  • The sequence number generated by FM/Db2 as a result of a hold template editor prefix command (H, HH, or Hn) being entered in the Cmd prefix entry area.
Column selection indicator. An asterisk (*) shows that the column is selected. Only selected columns appear in a File Manager/Db2 editor session.
Column hold indicator. An H shows that the column is held.

In TABL mode, held columns appear as the leftmost columns in a File Manager/Db2 editor session and are unaffected by scrolling left or right. In SNGL mode, held columns appear as the topmost columns in an editor session and are unaffected by scrolling up or down.

Data edit indicator. An E shows that the column has been previously edited to add information such as data create, column headings, or scrambling options.
LHEX indicator. An X shows that the data for the column is displayed in LHEX (Long Hexadecimal) format.
The column number as defined in the Db2® catalog. The column number reflects the Db2® column number unless either of the following are true:
  • The column is a generated column
  • The column is not a column of the first table named in the SELECT statement used to create the result table
If either of these conditions is true, the column has a number greater than the maximum Db2® column number, for all specified columns in the first Db2® object named in the SELECT statement.
Column name
The name of the column.
Data type(length)
The Db2® data type (and optionally the length) of the column.
Shows whether the column is defined as nullable.
Nullable column
Db2® null values are not permitted
Default value information for the column:
Either a ROWID or identity column defined with the generated always attribute.
Either a ROWID or identity column defined with the generated by default attribute.
There is no default value for the column.
The default value is the Db2® null value.
On type
The column has a default value that depends on the data type of the column:
Data type
Default value
Fixed-length character data types
Varying-length data types
String of length 0
Current® date
Current® time
Current® date and time
On value
The column has a default value that is defined in the DEFAULTVALUE column of the SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS catalog table.
The default value is the value of the SQL authorization ID of the process at the time the default value is used.
The default value is the value of the USER special register at the time the default value is used.
An optional sequence number indicating how to order the data, based on the data values for the column, when the data is retrieved from Db2®.
Sort sequence indicator. You can only specify this if an order sequence number (Order) is also specified.

Parent panels

Child panels

To display this panel… Use/do this
Table View panel If parent panel is Db2® View and you press F3
Db2 View panel If parent panel is Db2® View and you press F12
Table Edit panel If parent panel is Db2® Edit and you press F3
Db2 Edit panel If parent panel is Db2® Edit and you press F12
Table Browse panel If parent panel is Db2® Browse and you press F3
Db2 Browse panel If parent panel is Db2® Browse and you press F12
Template Save panel Press F3
Db2 Template Description panel Primary command DESCRIBE
Export Utility ("To") panel If parent panel is Export Utility and you press F3
Column Attributes panel (alphanumeric) Line command E for an alphanumeric column
Column Attributes panel (numeric) Line command E for a numeric column
Column Attributes panel (DATE) Line command E for a DATE column
Column Attributes panel (TIME) Line command E for a TIME column
Column Attributes panel (TIMESTAMP) Line command E for a TIMESTAMP column
Row Selection Criteria panel Enter 1 on the command line

Related tasks

Related references