Export Options (3 of 3) panel
You use the Export Options (3 of 3) panel to set various options that affect the way in which FM/Db2 operates. These options are saved in your ISPF profile and persist from one FM/Db2 session to the next.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Utilities Help
FM/Db2 (DFG2) Export Options - (3 of 3) Global Settings
Decimal Data:
Select option
1 1. Internal (packed) format
2. Zoned format
3. External format
Integer Data:
Enter "/" to select option
External format
Floating Point Data:
Enter "/" to select option
External format
Graphic Data (fixed length):
Enter "/" to select option
Use shift-out/shift-in (SOSI) characters
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=PrvPage F11=NxtPage F12=Cancel
- Decimal Data
- Internal (packed) format
- Any decimal field occupies the minimum number of bytes needed to represent the data as a packed decimal field.
- Zoned format
- In Zoned format the field occupies the number of bytes equal to the precision.
- External format
- In External format the field occupies the number of bytes equal to the precision + 2.
The default is 1 (Internal (packed) format).
- Integer Data
- External format
- In External format the field occupies 6 bytes for smallint(2), 11 bytes for integer(4), 20 bytes for bigint.
The default is not selected.
- Floating Point Data
- External format
- In External format the field occupies 14 bytes for float(4), 23 bytes for float(8).
The default is not selected.
- Graphic Data (fixed length)
- Use shift-out/shift-in (SOSI) characters
- Use shift-out/shift-in (SOSI) characters to enclose the exported graphic fixed length data.
The default is not selected.
Note: External format is the same format that is used to display data in FM/Db2 Editor.
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Export Options (2 of 3) panel | Press the PrvPage function key (F10) |