COPY Utility (Table Spaces) panel

You use the COPY Utility (Table Spaces) panel to generate utility control statements using the COPY TABLE SPACE form of the COPY utility.

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)            COPY Utility (Table Spaces)        Row 1 to 12 of 233

 S P          Table    F Change  R
 e R Database Space    C Limits  P Part'n Number       Allocation
 l C Name     Name     P One Two O Number Tables     Primary Secdry       Space
     BILLSDB1 TS1D     Y         N      0      1           3      3           0
     BILLSDB1 TS1E     Y         N      1      1           3      3           0
     BILLSDB1 TS1E     Y         N      2      1           5      5           0
     BILLSDB1 TS1E     Y         N      3      1           3      3           0
     BILLSDB1 TS1E     Y         N      4      1           5      5           0
 S   BILLSDB2 UTILTS1  Y         N      0      2         180    180           0
     CJMAODA  CJMAOSD  Y         N      0      1           5      5          48
     CJMAODA  CJMAOSE  Y         N      1      1           3      3         144
     CJMAODA  CJMAOSE  Y         N      2      1           5      5         144
     CJMAODA  CJMAOSE  Y         N      3      1           3      3          48
     CJMAODA  CJMAOSE  Y         N      4      1           5      5         144
     CJMAODA  CJMAOSP  Y         N      0      4          40     20         192

 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap
Selection column. To select a table space, type S in this column. Selected table spaces show an asterisk (*) in the PRC column.
Processing indicator. An asterisk (*) indicates the table space is selected.
Database Name
The name of the database in which the table space is defined.
Table Space Name
The name of the table space.
Full Copy flag:
Take a full image copy. This is the default setting.
Take a partial image copy.
Change Limits (One Two)
You can specify 1 or 2 values indicating the percentage of changed pages needed to trigger a partial image copy, and a full image copy. See the DB2 Utility Guide and Reference for a detailed explanation. A value entered in either of the Change Limits fields overrides the FCP setting.
Report Only. This only takes effect if you have specified a change limit value (see Change Limits).
Only image copy information is displayed. Image copies are not taken, only recommended. FM/Db2 generates a DD DUMMY in the JCL for the SYSCOPY DD name.
Image copy information is displayed and image copies taken. This is the default setting.
The remaining columns of the ISPF table are display-only fields showing information from the Db2® catalog.
Part'n Number
The partition number for the table space. This is 0 for a non-partitioned table space. A non-zero value indicates a partition of a partitioned table space. By default, when you select a non-partitioned table space for processing, the utility control statements do not include the DSNUM ALL parameter. When you select a partition, the utility control statements include a DSNUM nnn clause (nnn is the partition number you selected).
Number Tables
The number of tables defined within the table space.
The primary allocation value for the table space. See the DB2 Utility Guide and Reference for a full explanation. This value gives some indication of the size of the table space (but is not definitive).
The secondary allocation value for the table space. See the DB2 Utility Guide and Reference for a full explanation.
The space allocation for the table space, as reported by the STOSPACE utility. See the DB2 Utility Guide and Reference for a full explanation. This value gives an accurate indication of the size of the table space when the STOSPACE utility was run.

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