Field Selection/Edit panel
You use the Field Selection/Edit panel to specify the records you want to select when you use the Import utility function (option 3.6).
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help
File Manager Field Selection/Edit Line 1 of 27
----------- Criteria - Enter 1 or 2 to specify expression by field -----------
1 Id : +
2 Sel: #9 = 'B00' +
Offset 0
Cmd Seq SHE Ref Field Name Picture Type Start Length
**** Top of data ****
1 1 $$01 AN 1 144
S 2 2 EMPNO AN 1 6
3 2 len BI 7 2
S 4 2 FIRSTNME VC 9 12
S 5 2 MIDINIT AN 21 1
6 2 len BI 22 2
S 7 2 LASTNAME VC 24 15
8 2 null BI 39 2
S 9 2 WORKDEPT AN 41 3
10 2 null BI 44 2
S 11 2 PHONENO AN 46 4
Command ===> Scroll
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F5=RFind F6=RunTemp
F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
- 1 Id, 2 Sel
- Use option 1 and 2 to specify record identification and selection criteria by field.
If an expression has not previously been updated by field, you can enter the expression on the adjacent line which is left and right scrollable with the Left function key (F10) and the Right function key (F11), and expandable with the Expand function key (F4). The
indicators at the end of the field denote the directions (right and left respectively) in which you can scroll.If an expression has previously been entered by field, this line is protected. To change back to a freeform REXX expression, select the
by field
option (by entering1
on the command line)) and delete the expression. When you return to this panel the line is available for input (unless it is a dynamic template in which case you must specify the expression).Note: For more information about specifying record selection criteria, see the File Manager User’s Guide and Reference. - Cmd
- Prefix command area. Used to enter a template editor prefix command.
- Seq
- Sequence field. Used to order fields for display in a File Manager/Db2 editor session and printing data using the Print utility.
- Select/Hold/Edit field. Shows the field status:
- S
- The field has been selected for processing.
- H
- The field has been selected to be held on the edit display.
- E
- The field has been previously edited to add information such as data create, field headings, and scrambling options.
- Ref
- Field reference. Shows the field reference number assigned to the field name. Field reference numbers are assigned to all fields in a record, and are used to identify fields in selection criteria expressions.
- Field Name
- Shows the level number and field name of the field. If the field is an array, the dimensions are shown in brackets after the field name. If the field has been selected for processing, the field name is highlighted.
- Picture
- For COBOL, shows the picture clause. For HLASM shows the DC or DS operand. For PL/I, shows the length and scale (if non zero) for binary and packed fields. Also shows the bit length for bit fields.
- Type
- Shows the data type of the field:
- AN
- Alphanumeric (includes alphabetic, and group items)
- BI
- Binary
- BT
- Bit
- DB
- FE
- Floating point (external)
- FP
- Floating point (internal)
- G
- Graphic
- PD
- Packed decimal (internal decimal)
- VC
- Variable Character
- VD
- Variable DBCS
- VG
- Variable Graphic
- ZC
- Character Null terminated
- ZD
- Zoned decimal (external decimal)
- ZE
- Zoned decimal edited
- ZG
- Graphic Null terminated
- Z2
- DBCS Null terminated
- Start
- Shows the start column of the field. For variable located fields the start location is based on the maximum length of the record.
- Length
- Shows the length of the field. For a level-01 field, if the record is variable-length, the length shown is the maximum record length.
- Record identification criteria
- Used to specify the criteria that FM/Db2 uses to identify this
record type. FM/Db2 first uses the record length to identify record
For fixed-length records (as defined by the record definition in the template, not the data set attributes), the length of the record read must exactly match the length of the corresponding record definition in the template.
For variable-length records, the length of the record read must be equal to or greater than the minimum length and equal to or less than maximum length of the corresponding record definition in the template.
If FM/Db2 cannot match the length of a record to one of the record definitions in the template, the record is not selected for processing. If the length of a record matches more than one record definition in the template, and no further record identification criteria is specified, FM/Db2 uses the first matching record type in the template. Therefore, if the record length of each different record type in the file is not unique, you should use this field to specify some unique identification criteria.
- Record selection criteria
- Used to specify the criteria that FM/Db2 uses to select records for processing. You can use this field to limit the records of a given record type that you want to process. If you do not provide any record selection criteria, all records of this record type are selected for processing (if the record type itself has been selected for processing).
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