Db2® Template Description panel
You use the Db2® Template Description panel to add a description to the template you are creating or modifying.
Panel and field definitions
┌─────────────────────── Db2 Template Description ────────────────────────┐ s │ │ s F │ │ C │ Template │ T │ Data set . : SHRIKE2.FM.TEMPLATE(EMP) │ - │ │ 1 │ Source │ │ Db2 Object : EMP │ D C │ Subsystem : DFG2 Release : 1015 │ │ │ │ Created . . . : 2013/08/09 12:40:22 │ │ │ │ Modified . . : 2013/09/12 11:59:45 │ │ │ │ Description . . │ │ . │ │ . │ │ . │ │ . │ │ │ │ Command ===> │ C │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward │ │ F9=Swap F12=Cancel │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Template Data set
- The name of the partitioned data set where the template is stored.
- Db2® Object
- The name of the Db2® object from which the template was built.
- Subsystem
- The subsystem ID of the Db2® subsystem where the Db2® object resides.
- Release
- The Db2® version, release, and modification level of the Db2® subsystem on which the object resides.
- Created
- The date that the template was created from the copybook.
- Modified
- The date that the template was last modified.
- Description
- The description of the template. Use this field to enter or modify the description of the template.
Parent panels
Child panels