Hiding the hex-value column

Hiding the hex-value column might be useful for users of narrow (80-column) screens. By placing the cursor on the minus sign above the "Hex Value" heading in Figure 1 and pressing Enter, the display is changed to that shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1. Sample Associated Storage Areas display with hex value column collapsed
  File  View  Services  Help                                                  
Associated Storage Areas                                       Line 1 Col 1 80
JOBNAME: COBLVL88  SYSTEM ABEND: 0CB            FAE1      2021/09/20  15:48:38
Program Prolog Areas                                                          
WORKING-STORAGE SECTION                                                       
         + Expand hex   - Collapse level 88                                   
  Offset Data Value         Source (Starting at Line # 000010 )               
STATIC storage at address 0000B3F0                                            
      A8 *WORKING-STORAGE *  01  FILLER                 PIC X(20)  VALUE 'WORK
      B8 *                *                                                   
Suppressed Copybook                                                           
     390 *....            *  01  FIELD-1                PIC 999999 COMP-3.    
     398 0                   01  FIELD-2                PIC 999999 COMP-4.    
     3A0 *......          *  01  FIELD-3                PIC 999999.           
                             01  TABLE-4.                                     
                                 03  TABLE-8 OCCURS 6 TIMES.                  
                                  04  TABLE-8A OCCURS 3 TIMES.                
     3A8 1.111100e+02              05 ELEMENT-1                           COMP
     3AC *....            *        05 ELEMENT-2 OCCURS 4 TIMES            PIC 
                                      88 JACK VALUE 'JACK'.                   
                                      88 JILL VALUE 'JILL'.                   
                                      ELEMENT-2(1,1,2) to ELEMENT-2(1,1,4) sam
     3BC *....            *        05 ELEMENT-3                  PIC 999999 CO
Note that the minus sign point-and-shoot field, now above the "Data Value" column, has changed to a plus sign, and that if placing the cursor on this point-and-shoot field, the display changes back to the first display with "Hex Value" visible.

The last selected "Collapse/Expand hex" option is saved in the user's ISPF profile and is used as the default display mode on subsequent Associated Storage Areas displays.