Primary option: DB2 Information

Selecting the DB2 Information option provides you with a display of information that is related to DB2® as the example shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample DB2 Information display (Part 1 of 3)
  File  View  Services  Help
DB2 Information                                                Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: DAC2DH07  SYSTEM ABEND: 806              MVS2     2019/11/26 09:44:50

DB2 Subsystem DBT6

DB2 Version . . . . . . . . : V6R1M0
Plan Name . . . . . . . . . : DAC2DH (Bound 2019/04/25 12:13:14)
Plan Owner. . . . . . . . . : HARRIDA
Package Name. . . . . . . . : DAPNDH11 (Created 2019/07/30 10:06:08, bound
                              2004/04/25 12:13:13)
Package Collection ID . . . : DAC2DHPK
Package Owner . . . . . . . : HARRIDA
Package Creator . . . . . . : HARRIDA
Package Version . . . . . . : HV01
Package Qualifier . . . . . : DSN8610
Database Request Module Name: CTEST.DB2.DBRMLIB.DATA(DAPNDH11) (Precompiled
                              2019/04/25 12:07:57)
Consistency Token . . . . . : X'177522E41D026D08'
Primary Authorization ID. . : HARRIDA
Current SQL ID. . . . . . . : HARRIDA
Figure 2. Sample DB2 Information display (Part 2 of 3)
Last Executed SQL Statement:
  Stmt #
  000227                    EXEC SQL FETCH HVAR1 INTO :HVTABLE

Fault Analyzer Event #. . . : 7 (Program DAPNDH11)
Declare Cursor Stmt No. . . : 133
                              VCHAR300 , DEC9 , LINT , CHARHEX , TIMESTMP
                              FROM HVARS
Open Cursor Stmt No . . . . : 166
Open Cursor Stmt. . . . . . : OPEN HVAR1

Browse Table Contents in File Manager:

Output Host Variables:
  Name and Data Type. . . . : HVTABLE.HVARKEY CHARACTER(6)
    At Address. . . . . . . : 0007EA26
    Data Value. . . . . . . : 000003

  Name and Data Type. . . . : HVTABLE.VCHAR300 VARCHAR(300)
    At Address. . . . . . . : 0007EA2C
    Data Value. . . . . . . : This is record 3

  Name and Data Type. . . . : HVTABLE.DEC9 DECIMAL(9,4)
    At Address. . . . . . . : 0007EB5A
    Data Value. . . . . . . : 12345.6789

  Name and Data Type. . . . : HVTABLE.LINT INTEGER
    At Address. . . . . . . : 0007EB74
    Data Value. . . . . . . : 214748364

  Name and Data Type. . . . : HVTABLE.CHARHEX CHARACTER(21)
    At Address. . . . . . . : 00082A8C
    Data Value. . . . . . . : *** Data format error: Character string contains
                              non-printable character at offset X'B' ***
    Host Variable Storage:
    Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
    00082A8C            E4959799 8995A381 82938522 83888199 *Unprintable.char*
    00082A9C       +10  8183A385 99                         *acter           *

  Name and Data Type. . . . : HVTABLE.TIMESTMP CHARACTER(26)
    At Address. . . . . . . : 000869C9
    Data Value. . . . . . . : 2019-09-30-

When you select the SQL table point-and-shoot field from the display shown in Figure 2, the File Manager DB2 Browse panel displays with the details of the selected table prefilled. The SQL table point-and-shoot field does not display unless File Manager is installed.

Figure 3. Sample DB2 Information display (Part 3 of 3)
DB2 Control Blocks

SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) for Event # 7 Program DAPNDH11 at Address
1747E9F8 :
Offset     Field        Value
Dec  Hex   Name         Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
   0   (0) SQLCAID      E2D8D3C3 C1404040                   *SQLCA           *
   8   (8) SQLCABC      00000088                            *...h            *
  12   (C) SQLCODE      00000064                            *....            *
                        SQLCODE 100 Explanation
  16  (10) SQLERRML     0000                                *..              *
  18  (12) SQLERRMC     40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 *                *
  34  (22)              40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 *                *
  50  (32)              40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 *                *
  66  (42)              40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 *                *
  82  (52)              40404040 4040                       *                *
  88  (58) SQLERRP      C4E2D5E7 D9C6D540                   *DSNXRFN         *
  96  (60) SQLERRD      FFFFFF92 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFFF *...k............*
 112  (70)              00000000 00000000                   *........        *
 120  (78) SQLWARN      40404040 40404040 404040            *                *
 131  (83) SQLSTATE     F0F2F0F0 F0                         *02000           *
                        SQLSTATE 02000 Explanation

SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) for subsystem DB31 not shown as it is
identical to the SQLCA for event # 7 program DAPNDH11.

*** Bottom of data.
  F1=Help      F3=Exit      F5=RptFind   F6=Actions   F7=Up        F8=Down
F10=Left     F11=Right

Information for one or more DB2® subsystems are provided. If the SQLCA data area for a DB2® subsystem is identical to one available from an Event Details display, then only a reference to the event is provided here, as shown in the example above. Otherwise, the contents of the SQLCA are shown in this display.