Displaying CICS transaction storage (CICSSTG)

As an alternative method to selecting the CICS Transaction Storage Summary or CICS Transaction Storage options from the CICS Information display (see Primary option: CICS Information), you can use the CICSSTG command (see CICSSTG for details).

An example of the CICSSTG command CICS Transaction Storage display is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sample CICS Transaction Storage display
  File  View  Services  Help
 CICS Transaction Storage                                       Line 1 Col 1 80 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 Previous Next Filter                                                           
  Element: 1 of 3 (9), address 0_1AE00000, length 0x870 (USER31)                
  Filter:  Storage classes(USER31)                                              
 Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII         
 1AE00000            E4F0F0F0 F0F1F0F8 00E86EC4 C6C8C5C9 *U0000108.Y>DFHEI*     
 1AE00010       +10  E4E24040 40404040 00000000 00000000 *US      ........*     
 1AE00020       +20  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*     
 1AE00030       +30  00000000 00000000 00000000 1AE00100 *.............\..*     
 1AE00040       +40  00000000 1AE008A0 00000000 00000000 *.....\..........*     
 1AE00050       +50  00000000 0008B614 00000000 19C7D429 *.............GM.*     
 1AE00060       +60  00000000 00000420 00000000 1AE0003C *.............\..*     
 1AE00070       +70  00000000 00041800 00000000 1941DA98 *...............q*     
 1AE00080       +80  00000000 1AC96DF0 00000000 1AC9725C *.....I_0.....I.**     
 1AE00090       +90  00000000 19419C02 00000000 1AC97438 *.............I..*     
 1AE000A0       +A0  00000000 7F466948 00000000 1AC93000 *...."........I..*     
 1AE000B0       +B0  00000000 1AE00008 00000000 1AFFB4A4 *.....\.........u*     
 1AE000C0       +C0  00000000 00882000 00000000 00000000 *.....h..........*     

Use the "Previous" and "Next" point-and-shoot fields to navigate through individual storage areas. Use the "Filter" point-and-shoot field to filter which storage areas are included based on CICS storage class, storage area length, and areas that contain specific text. You can display additional help by using PF1 from the CICSSTG display.