Primary option: Open Files

Selecting the Open Files option provides you with a display that lists all open files which could not be associated with any particular event, as well as files that might be listed in the detail section of the report for individual events. An example of the open file list is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sample System-Wide Open Files display
  File  View  Services  Help
System-Wide Open Files                                         Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: COBTSTC   SYSTEM ABEND: 0C9            FAE1      2019/09/18  09:02:09

Event 1 Program COBTSTC Open Files

File Name . . . . . . . . . : OUTDD

Non-Event-Related Open Files

File Name . . . . . . . . . : SYSOUT

*** Bottom of data.

The listed file names are point-and-shoot fields that you can place the cursor on and press the Enter key in order to see the associated detailed file information. For example, if selecting the file OUTDD from the above sample display, you might see the File Information display shown in Figure 2.

(You return from the Open Files display by entering the Exit (PF3) command.)
Figure 2. Sample File Information display
  File  View  Services  Help
File Information                                               Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: COBTSTC   SYSTEM ABEND: 0C9            FAE1      2019/09/18  09:02:09

File Name . . . . . . . . . : OUTDD
  Data Set Name . . . . . . : NWILKES.OUT80S ❶
                              RECFM=VARIABLE BLOCKED  SPANNED
  Last I/O Function . . . . : WRITE
  Open Status . . . . . . . : OUTPUT
  File Status Code. . . . . : 0

  Last Record Written -2. . : RDW=001C0100 Segment data length 24, variable re
  Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
  16599FC0            C9C9C9F9 F9F94040 40404040 40404040 *III999          *
  16599FD0       +10  40404040 40404040                   *                *

  Last Record Written -1. . : RDW=00240300 Segment data length 32, variable re
  Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
  16599FE0            40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 *                *
        Line 16599FF0 same as above

  Last Record Written . . . : RDW=001C0200 Segment data length 24, variable re
  Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
  16599EF0            40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 *                *
  16599F00       +10  40404040 40404040                   *                *

  Current Record Build Area : RDW is zero, no length assigned yet
  Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
  1659AFA4            D1D1D1C1 C1C14040 40404040 40404040 *JJJAAA          *
  1659AFB4       +10  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 *                *
        Lines 1659AFC4-1659AFD4 same as above
  1659AFE4       +40  40404040 40404040 40404040 40406E6E *              >>*
  1659AFF4       +50  40404040                            *                *

  Associated File Control Blocks ❷

*** Bottom of data.

If the data set shown at ❶ is QSAM, VSAM, or IAM, and exists, then it is presented as a point-and-shoot field, that if selected, shows a selection menu from where either Edit, View or Browse can be chosen. If File Manager for z/OS® is available, then it is used to perform the requested function against the data set. Otherwise, if the data set is QSAM non-spanned record format, then ISPF is invoked.

For more information about the presentation of open file buffers, see Open file record information.

An "Associated File Control Blocks" point-and-shoot field might be available at the bottom of the File Information display, as shown at ❷ above. By placing the cursor on this field and pressing Enter, the Associated File Control Blocks display is presented. An example of this display is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Sample Associated File Control Blocks display
  File  View  Services  Help
Associated File Control Blocks                                 Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: COBTSTC   SYSTEM ABEND: 0C9            FAE1      2019/09/18  09:02:09

Data Extent Block (DEB) at Address 008BCD84 :
Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
008BCD84                     038C2CF0 10000000 E8000000 *    ...0....Y...*
008BCD90        +C  0F001100 01000000 FF000000 8F01A038 *................*
008BCDA0       +1C  048BCD60 10F41AE0 000000FF 000000FF *...-.4.\........*
008BCDB0       +2C  000E000F 00010001 00000000 00000000 *................*
008BCDC0       +3C  00000054 F3C2C1D9 C2D70000 00000000 *....3BARBP......*
008BCDD0       +4C  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
008BCDE0       +5C  00000000 00000000 E2E6C1D4 00000000 *........SWAM....*
008BCDF0       +6C  00000218 008BCE08 500000E6 008BD6B0 *........&..W..O.*
008BCE00       +7C  008BD140                            *..J             *

Data Control Block (DCB) at Address 0001A038 :
Address  Offset     Hex                                 EBCDIC / ASCII    
0001A038                              1656C858 00000000 *        ..H.....*
0001A040        +8  00FF0000 0EF15026 002FBE96 07022FE8 *.....1&....o...Y*
0001A050       +18  00004000 00006B70 E6000001 5801E8B4 *.. ...,.W.....Y.*
0001A060       +28  007C0048 008BCD84 92C9D870 00C8B348 *.@.....dkIQ..H..*