Primary option: Messages

Messages written to the system console that were not identified as belonging to any specific event are listed under the heading Messages. Also included are any LE messages identified for specific events. Individual messages can be selected for their explanation by placing the cursor on the message number and pressing the Enter key.

An example of the display presented when selecting the Messages link is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample System-Wide Messages display
  File  View  Services  Help
System-Wide Messages                                           Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: P00398    SYSTEM ABEND: 0CB              MVS2     2019/03/24 13:54:05

Event 5 Messages

CEE3211S Job-specific text not available

Non-Event-Related Messages


$HASP375 P00398   ESTIMATE EXCEEDED BY              10,000  LINES

$HASP375 P00398   ESTIMATE EXCEEDED BY              20,000  LINES

*** Bottom of data.

 F1=Help      F3=Exit      F5=RptFind   F6=Actions   F7=Up        F8=Down
F10=Left     F11=Right