Interactive reanalysis options

Many of the general options specified for an installation are also applicable to interactive reanalysis. See Options for information about all available options and the different ways in which they can be specified.

To specify interactive reanalysis options that apply to your interactive reanalysis sessions only, select Interactive Reanalysis Options from the Options menu on the Fault Entry List display (for general information about menu options, refer to Action-bar pull-down menus). This option opens the Interactive Reanalysis Options display as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample Interactive Reanalysis Options display
  File  View  Services  Help
Interactive Reanalysis Options                                 Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Press PF3 to save options or PF12 to cancel.

General Options:
  Options line for
    interactive reanalysis. . : GSR(O)                                         
  Redisplay this panel
    before each reanalysis. . : N (Y/N)
  Display panel to alter
    allocated data sets . . . : N (Y/N)
  Prompt before opening an
    MVS dump data set . . . . : Y (Y/N)
  Always prompt to select            
    TCB for MVS dump data           
    set analysis. . . . . . . . . : N (Y/N)
  Prompt for missing side
    files . . . . . . . . . . : Y (Y/N)
  Current list of excluded programs ( Edit ):
Reanalysis Options Data Set Control:
  Options data set name . . : JCLLIB                                        
  Options member name . . . : IDICNF00 (If PDS or PDSE)
  Use this data set during
    reanalysis. . . . . . . . : N (Y/N)
  Edit the options data set
    before reanalysis . . . . : N (Y/N)

Deferred Breakpoints Repository:                                             
  Data set name (PDS/E) . . : PRINT.PDS                                     
User Notes Recovery:                                             
  Data set name . . . . . . : 'EXAMPLE.NOTES.RECOVERY'                      
*** Bottom of data.
The following possibilities can be specified by using this display:
Options line for interactive reanalysis
Options that apply to all interactive reanalysis sessions that you initiate can be specified here. These options take precedence over any options that are specified through an options file (see Options data set name). The options are the equivalent of the PARM field options that are used by batch reanalysis jobs.

The option GSR(O) is shown as an example on the options line in Figure 1.

Redisplay this panel before each reanalysis
If this option is set to Y, then the Interactive Reanalysis Options display is shown each time that an interactive reanalysis is requested.

Make your changes. Then press PF3 (to continue with the current options), or press PF12 (to undo any changes). What happens next depends on the Display panel to alter allocated data sets option.

If this option is set to N, then the Interactive Reanalysis Options display is not shown.

Display panel to alter allocated data sets
If this option is set to Y, then you are presented with an ISPF EDIT display screen of the pseudo JCL stream that is generated by Fault Analyzer.
Figure 2. Sample interactive reanalysis pseudo JCL stream EDIT
  File  Edit  Confirm  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
EDIT       IBMUSER.SPFTEMP1.CNTL                           Columns 00001 00072
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
====== Type "RESET" on the command line and press Enter to see edit            
====== instructions.                                                           
- - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 50 Line(s) not Displayed 
000051 //IDIADATA DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DA.SYSADATA                                  
000052 //IDILCOB  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DA.LISTING.COBOL                             
000053 //* The following IDILCOB data set is unavailable:                      
000054 //*        DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DA.LISTING.COBOL.OLD                         
000055 //IDIJAVA  DD PATH='/u/temp/payroll/directory171/DEPT64directory/accoun 
000056 //             tingDIR1'                                        
000057 //         DD PATH='/u/temp/payroll/directory171/DEPT64directory/accoun 
000058 //             tingDIR2'                                        
000059 //* The following IDIJAVA HFS path is unavailable:                      
000060 //*        DD PATH='/u/temp/payroll/directory171/DEPT64directory/accoun 
000061 //*            tingDIR3'                                        
000062 //         DD PATH='/u/a+'                                      
000063 //IDILC    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DA.LISTING.C                                 
000064 //IDILPLI  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DA.LISTING.PLI.PROD                          
000065 //         DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DA.LISTING.PLI.TEST                          
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Type RESET on the command line and press Enter. Make your changes in accordance with the instructions that are displayed. Then enter the EXIT (PF3) or CANCEL (PF12) command as appropriate to initiate the interactive reanalysis.

For more information about this option, see Data sets used for interactive reanalysis.

If this option is set to N, then the interactive reanalysis commences without first displaying the pseudo JCL EDIT screen.

Prompt before opening an MVS dump data set
Sometimes access is required to a storage location that is not contained in the saved minidump:
  • During the interactive reanalysis.
  • As a result of displaying storage locations from within the interactive report.
When this situation happens, if the field is set to Y, a display is shown before an associated MVS dump data set is opened, to look for the missing storage.
An example of this display is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Sample Confirm MVS Dump Open display
  File  Options  View  Services  Help
┌────────────────────────── Confirm MVS Dump Open ────────────────────────────┐
│ Command ===> ____________________________________________________________   │
│                                                                             │
│ Fault Analyzer has determined the need to open an MVS DUMP data set:        │
│ JKATNIC.CICS53.SOS.DUMP                                                     │
│                                                                             │
│ Permitting this might cause delays, however, if the open is not permitted,  │
│ Fault Analyzer cannot access important storage information.                 │
│                                                                             │
│ Press Enter to confirm the data set open.                                   │
│                                                                             │
│ Press Cancel or Exit to cancel the data set open and attempt to continue    │
│ without access to missing storage locations.                                │
│                                                                             │
│  F1=Help     F3=Exit    F12=Cancel                                          │
     F00286 CICS53   n/a      MVS2     S122  2019/05/22 10:49:44
     F00325 DAAMB022 n/a      MVS2     S0C6  2019/04/27 11:03:48
     F00111 CICS53   n/a      MVS2     S08E  2019/03/22 13:12:23
     F00272 CICS53   n/a      MVS2     S08E  2019/03/22 13:12:23
     F00328 CICS53   n/a      MVS2     S08E  2019/03/22 13:12:23
 F1=Help      F3=Exit      F4=MatchCSR  F5=RptFind   F6=Actions   F7=Up
 F8=Down     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=MatchALL

You are only prompted at most one time during any interactive reanalysis session. If the open is canceled by entering CANCEL or EXIT, no further attempts are made to open the MVS dump data set. Likewise, if the open is confirmed, Fault Analyzer checks the MVS dump for all references to storage locations not contained in the minidump.

If this field is set to N, then the associated dump data set is opened if required without prompting you first.

Always prompt to select TCB for MVS dump data set analysis
A single character ('Y' or 'N') that controls whether or not the TCB selection display is shown before analysis of an MVS dump data set is performed.

If this option is set to 'N', the TCB selection display is shown only if Fault Analyzer is unable to select a TCB. This might, for example, happen with console dumps when no tasks have abended.

If this option is set to 'Y', the TCB selection display is always shown. If Fault Analyzer is able to select a TCB, then that TCB will be preselected on the display. Accept this TCB, or change to another, then press Enter to perform the analysis.

Prompt for missing side files
A single character (Y or N) that controls whether the Compiler Listing Not Found display is shown when no compiler listing or side file is found for a program.
The default setting of this field is based on whether any DataSets option specification exists in the IDICNFxx parmlib member for any DDnames from the following list:

If no data sets for any of these DDnames were specified in the IDICNFxx parmlib member, then the default setting of this field is 'N'. Otherwise, it is 'Y'.

By clearing this field, and pressing Enter, the value is reinitialized to its default setting.

Current list of excluded programs (Edit)
If the "Prompt for missing side files" option is set to Y, then the current list of excluded program names, for which compiler listing or side file searching is not performed, is provided. The list can be modified by placing the cursor on the Edit point-and-shoot field and pressing Enter. This results in the Excluded Program Names display being shown. An example of this display is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Excluded Program Names display
 Excluded Program Names                                     Line 1 Col 1 76  
 Command ===>                                              Scroll ===> CSR   
   Enter D on the line to delete a program.                                  
   Type ADD followed by a list of program names to add them to the list.     
   Program   Source                                                          
   ZERR      GLOBAL                                                          
   PROG11B   GLOBAL                                                          
   FRED      USER                                                            
   COBBL     USER                                                            
 * * Bottom of data.                                                         
  F1=Help     F3=Exit     F5=RptFind  F7=Up       F8=Down    F12=Cancel      
There are two program exclusion lists, which contribute to the combined list in effect shown in the display:
  • A user-specified list created via the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface and saved in the user's ISPF profile.
  • A global list specified via the FAISPFOPTS(GlobalExclude(...)) option in the IDICNFxx parmlib member.

By including the special program name "-DROPCNF-" in the user-specified list, a user can eliminate any global program names that might exist.

Press PF3 to exit the display and save any changes made.

Type ADD on the command line, followed by one or more blank-delimited program names that you wish to add as user-specified exclusions, and press Enter. If the program name does not adhere to required naming conventions, then a message is issued.

Program names must be valid PDS or PDSE member names, with the addition of the optional wildcard characters '*' (zero, one or more characters) and '%' (a single required character) to make the name more generic. The program names specified are not case sensitive.

The following are examples of valid program name specifications:
  • *XMAI*
  • TZ%%C*

Use the D line command to delete individual entries from the user-specified list. Individual entries cannot be deleted from the global list via this display.

The program name exclude list can also be edited from the Compiler Listing Not Found display. For details, see Prompting for compiler listing or side file.

Options data set name
This field can optionally specify the name of a PDS or PDSE data set in which a member (see Options member name) contains Fault Analyzer options. The data set and member name are used as the IDIOPTS user options file. This data set can, for example, be used if more options than fit on the options line at the top of this display are required.
  1. The options data set is only used if the Use this data set during reanalysis option is set to Y.
  2. Options that are specified on the options line take precedence over options that are specified in this data set.
Options member name
This field is the member name of the data set specified in Options data set name.
Use this data set during reanalysis
If this option is set to Y, then the data set and member name that are previously specified are used by Fault Analyzer during the interactive reanalysis. If it is set to N, then the data set and member name are not used.
Edit the options data set before reanalysis
If this field is set to Y, then an ISPF EDIT display screen of the member in the options data set specified above is presented prior to commencing the interactive reanalysis. An example is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Sample options file EDIT for interactive reanalysis
  File  Edit  Confirm  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
EDIT       USER.JCLLIB(IDIOPTS) - 01.02                    Columns 00001 00072
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000001 datasets(idiexec(user.exec))
000002 exits(listing(rexx(lx)))
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

 F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Return    F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange
 F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

Change the options data set (if required). Then enter the EXIT command (usually mapped to PF3).

Data set name (PDS/E)
Specifies the name of the data set used for z/OS® Debugger Deferred Breakpoints set via COBOL Explorer.

Standard ISPF data set name specification rules apply, that is, if the data set name is not enclosed within single quotes, then it is prefixed by the current TSO prefix.

The data set name specified need not exist, as it is allocated automatically when required. If an existing data set name is specified, then it must be the name of a PDS data set allocated RECFM=VB and LRECL=255.

A member name must not be specified.

User Notes Recovery Data Set Name
Specifies the name of a data set to be used for user notes recovery.
  • Standard ISPF data set name specification rules apply: If the data set name is not enclosed within single quotes, then it is prefixed by the current TSO prefix.
  • If you specify the name of an existing data set, it must be a sequential data set allocated with RECFM=VB and LRECL=1024. If the data set is not empty, it must contain valid user notes recovery information.
  • If the specified data set does not exist, a User Notes Recovery Data Set Create display like the example in Figure 6 is shown.
  • Each TSO/ISPF user should use a unique user notes recovery data set. If a user's notes might contain sensitive information, protect data set access accordingly.
For more information, see Recovering user notes.
Figure 6. User Notes Recovery Data Set Create display
     File  View  Services  Help
   │ User Notes Recovery Data Set Create                        Line 1 Col 1 76  │
   │ Command ===> ____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR   │
   │                                                                             │                                                                            
   │ The specified user notes recovery data set does not exist. Press Enter to   │
   │ create, or press PF3/PF12 to cancel.                                        │  
   │                                                                             │
   │ Data Set Name . . . . . . : 'EXAMPLE.NOTES.RECOVERY'                        │
   │ Primary Space . . . . . . : 5       Cylinders                               │ 
   │ Secondary Space . . . . . : 5       Cylinders                               │
   │                                                                             │ 
   │ *** Bottom of data.                                                         │
   │                                                                             │ 
      MVS dump data set . . . . : Y (Y/N)
    Always prompt to select            
      TCB for MVS dump data           
      set analysis. . . . . . . . . : N (Y/N)
    Prompt for missing side
      files . . . . . . . . . . : Y (Y/N)
    Current list of excluded programs ( Edit ):
  Reanalysis Options Data Set Control:
    Options data set name . . : JCLLIB                                        
    Options member name . . . : IDICNF00 (If PDS or PDSE)
    Use this data set during
      reanalysis. . . . . . . . : N (Y/N)
    Edit the options data set
      before reanalysis . . . . : N (Y/N)

  Deferred Breakpoints Repository:                                             
    Data set name (PDS/E) . . : PRINT.PDS                                     
  User Notes Recovery:                                             
    Data set name . . . . . . : 'EXAMPLE.NOTES.RECOVERY'                      
  *** Bottom of data.

You can change the default primary and secondary space values as needed.