Recovering user notes

As described in Creating and managing user notes, you can record user notes against any storage location while performing interactive analysis. When interactive reanalysis ends normally, user notes are stored in the history file fault entry. When interactive reanalysis does not end normally, any user notes that you added, deleted, or modified during the session are lost unless you enable user notes recovery.

When you enable user notes recovery, Fault Analyzer records all user notes activity in a specified data set. If an interactive reanalysis session ends abnormally, Fault Analyzer automatically applies the user notes activity when you analyze the same history file fault entry or system dump again.

To enable user notes recovery, select Options->Interactive Reanalysis Options from the action-bar pull-down menu and specify a valid data set name in the User Notes Recovery Data set name field. (For additional details about interactive reanalysis options, see Interactive reanalysis options.)

When the user notes recovery data set contains information about unsaved user notes activity, the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface shows the User Notes Recovery display on startup. An example of this display is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. User Notes Recovery display
  File  View  Services  Help                                                                                     
  User Notes Recovery                                            Line 1 Col 1 80
  Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR
  Line commands:
     S Perform reanalysis to recover unsaved user notes
     D Discard unsaved user notes
   PF3 to skip further user notes recovery at this time.

       Dump or History File DSN                     Fault ID Status
        PMR.T00541.S0045.HIST                         IM09293
        EXAMPLE.HIST                                   F02489
        EXAMPLE.HIST                                   F02491
        EXAMPLE.HIST                                   F02492
        EXAMPLE.HIST                                   F02493 Fault entry no
                                                              longer exists
  ──    EXAMPLE.HIST                                   F02494
  ──    EXAMPLE.SYSMDUMP                                                       
  ──    EXAMPL2.SYSMDUMP                                      No READ access

   *** Bottom of data.
Each entry in the display is one interactive reanalysis session that has unsaved user notes.
  • To recover the user notes, select the entry using the S line command (or use SS block line commands) and press Enter.
  • To discard the user notes, use the D line command (or DD block line command).
When you issue the S or D line command against an entry, it drops off the display.

If you don't use the S or D line command to select an entry from this display (for example, if you press PF3), user notes are still recovered automatically when you perform interactive reanalysis of the same history file fault entry or system dump again. In this case, the User Notes Recovery display no longer shows the matching entry on startup of the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface.