Primary option: Event Summary

Selecting the "Event Summary" option from the initial interactive report display, results in the display of the Event Summary section of the report, as the example shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sample Event Summary display
  File  View  Services  Help
Event Summary                                                  Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
Full Application only - TRANID: FRED   CICS ABEND: AEIL      2019/06/13  10:42

{The following events are presented in chronological order.}

Event           Fail  Module   Program  EP
#  Type         Point Name     Name     Name     Event Location (*)     Loaded
 1 Call               DFHAPLI  DFHAPLI1 n/a      P+27C4                 CICS.C
 2 Call               CEEPLPKA n/a      CEECRINI E+8B0                  Not de
 3 Call               CEEPLPKA n/a      CEECRINV E+42E                  Not de
 4 Call               CEEEV005 IGZCEV5  IGZCEV5  E+672                  CEE.SC
 5 EXEC CICS    ***** CICFRED  CICFRED  CICFRED  L#69 E+436             DA.TES
 6 Abend AEIL         DFHAIP   DFHEIP   n/a      P+1A92                 CICS.C

(*) One or more of the following abbreviations might appear in the "Event
    Location" column:

    F#n  Source file number (refer to detailed event information for file
    L#n  Source file line number
    S#n  Listing file statement number (refer to detailed event information
         for file identification)
    M+x  Offset from start of load module
    P+x  Offset from start of program
    E+x  Offset from start of entry point

*** Bottom of data.
 F1=Help      F3=Exit      F4=Dsect     F5=RptFind   F6=Actions   F7=Up
 F8=Down     F10=Left     F11=Right

Individual events can be selected from this summary by placing the cursor on the event number and pressing the Enter key. The type of detailed event display that is presented if doing so is similar to the one shown in Detailed Event Information.

Point-and-shoot fields are provided for most of the information in the Event Location column:

  • If selecting offset-type information (M+x, P+x, or E+x), the Dump Storage display is presented for the corresponding address.

    For more information about the Dump Storage display, see Displaying storage locations.

  • If selecting source or listing information (L#n or S#n), the Compiler Listing display is presented for the appropriate line or statement.

    For more information about the Compiler Listing display, see Displaying source code.

Two point-and-shoot fields are also provided under the panel title to toggle the state of the display:
  • Full displays all application and non-application events.
  • Application only limits the event summary to events originating from user applications. When this option is selected, individual event numbering is likely to differ from the full event summary.
The selected option is remembered between interactive analysis sessions.

This screen responds to the standard UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT commands, which by default are assigned to the PF7, PF8, PF10, and PF11 function keys respectively. These can be used to scroll the display horizontally or vertically as needed to see all of the information available.

Optional help text is displayed only when the top-most line of the display is shown. If the display is scrolled down any number of lines, this help text disappears, but reappears if the display is scrolled to the top. For general information about help text, see Adding or removing help text.

The column headings are never scrolled out of view. However, if scrolling horizontally, the column headings scroll with the data below them.