Detailed Event Information

An Event Details display is presented when an event is selected from the Event Summary display. An example is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample Event Details display for point of failure (Part 1 of 2)
  File  View  Services  Help
Event 1 of 1: Abend S0C7 *** Point of Failure ***              Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: COBPERF6  SYSTEM ABEND: 0CF            FAE1      2019/07/21  16

Abend Code. . . . . . . . . : S0CF
Program-Interruption Code . : 000F (HFP-Divide Exception)
  The divisor in an HFP division had a zero fraction.

The source code below was executed via the following sequence of PERFORM
statements: ❶
  Line #
  000041               PERFORM CALC THRU CALC-EXIT
  000069             PERFORM REDO THRU REDO-EXIT.
  000082               PERFORM UNDO THRU UNDO-EXIT
  000091               PERFORM ABEND.

COBOL Source Code:
  Line #
  000097         ABEND.
  000098             COMPUTE FIELD-4 ROUNDED =
  000099                 ELEMENT-4(3) / ELEMENT-2(5)

Data Field Declarations:
  Line #
  000016               05 ELEMENT-2                           COMP-2.
  000018               05 ELEMENT-4                  PIC 999999 COMP-4.
  000030         01  FIELD-4  PIC 999999.

Data Field Values:
  ELEMENT-2(5) = 0.000000e+00  *** Cause of error ***
  ELEMENT-4(3) = 222
  FIELD-4      = X'000000000000'

The listing file used for the above was found in

Load Module Name. . . . . . : SYS09202.T161638.RA000.COBPERF6.GOSET.H01(COBPER
  At Address. . . . . . . . : 16B00988
  Load Module Length. . . . : X'1678'
  Link-Edit Date and Time . : 2009/07/21  16:16:40

Program and Entry Point Name: COBPERF6
  At Address. . . . . . . . : 16B00988 (Module COBPERF6 offset X'0')
  Program Length. . . . . . : X'A4A'
  Program Language. . . . . : COBOL (Compiled using IBM Enterprise COBOL for
                              z/OS and OS/390 V4 R1 M0 on 2009/07/21 at
                              BUFSIZE(4096) NOCICS CODEPAGE(1140) NOCOMPILE(S)
                              NOCURRENCY DATA(31) NODATEPROC DBCS NODECK
                              NODIAGTRUNC NODLL NODUMP DYNAM NOEXIT
                              NOEXPORTALL NOFASTSRT FLAG(I,I) NOFLAGSTD
                              INTDATE(ANSI) LANGUAGE(EN) LIB LINECOUNT(60)
                              LIST MAP NOMDECK NONAME NSYMBOL(NATIONAL)
                              NONUMBER NUMPROC(NOPFD) OBJECT NOOFFSET
Figure 2. Sample Event Details display for point of failure (Part 2 of 2)
                              RMODE(AUTO) SEQUENCE SIZE(MAX) SOURCE SPACE(1)
                              TRUNC(STD) NOVBREF NOWORD XMLPARSE(XMLSS)
                              XREF(FULL) YEARWINDOW(1900) ZWB
  Binary Optimizer. . . . . : Automatic Binary Optimizer for z/OS V1 R0 M0   ❷
                              optimized COBPERF6 on 2015/09/03 at 12:57:14 
                              using ARCH(10)

Machine Instruction . . . . : 6D008094      DD    FR0,148(,R8)
  At Address. . . . . . . . : 16B010D8 (Program COBPERF6 offset X'750')
  AMODE . . . . . . . . . . : 31
  Failing Operand . . . . . : Second operand
  First Operand (FR0) . . . : 42DE0000 00000000
  Second Operand Address. . : 16BB4164 (Module COBPERF6 program COBPERF6
                              WORKING-STORAGE SECTION BLW=0000 + X'94', symbol
                              ELEMENT-2, source line # 16 - 433820 bytes of
                              storage addressable)
  Second Operand Length . . : 8
  Second Operand Storage. . : 00000000 00000000   *........*

Program Status Word (PSW) . : 078D2000 96B010DC

General Purpose Registers (AMODE: 64 31 24 , Bytes: Dec Hex ):  ❸
                 BLK=0001 + X'F80')
   R1: 16B00C6E (Module COBPERF6 program COBPERF6 + X'2E6')
   R2: 800000DE (1826 bytes of storage addressable)
   R3: 00000000 (2048 bytes of storage addressable)
   R4: 16B00E66 (Module COBPERF6 program COBPERF6 + X'4DE')
   R5: 40000000 (Storage invalid)
   R6: 00000000 (2048 bytes of storage addressable)
   R7: 00000000 (2048 bytes of storage addressable)
                 BLW=0000 + X'0', symbol FILLER, source line # 10 )
   R9: 16B90448 (580536 bytes of storage addressable)
  R10: 16B00ABC (Module COBPERF6 program COBPERF6 + X'134')
  R11: 16B00C98 (Module COBPERF6 program COBPERF6 + X'310')
  R12: 16B00A84 (Module COBPERF6 program COBPERF6 + X'FC')
  R13: 16B94030 (565200 bytes of storage addressable)
  R14: 96B00ECC (Module COBPERF6 program COBPERF6 + X'544', source line # 39 )
  R15: 96B577F0 (Module IGZCPAC + X'40C48')

Floating-Point Registers:
  R0:  42DE0000 00000000   R2:  00000000 00000000
  R4:  00000000 00000000   R6:  00000000 00000000

Associated Messages

CEE3215S The system detected a floating-point divide exception (System
         Completion Code=0CF).

Associated Storage Areas

*** Bottom of data.
The COBOL PERFORM traceback shows the sequence of PERFORMs, including nested PERFORMs, that were executed to arrive at the event source line. The traceback will not appear if the compiler inlined the procedure, which can happen when OPT is in effect.
Automatic Binary Optimizer for z/OS® (ABO) information will only appear here if a COBOL program has been optimized by ABO.
The general purpose registers are initially displayed in accordance with the event AMODE, or defaults to AMODE 31 if no event AMODE has been determined. However, by selecting the AMODE 64, 31 or 24 point-and-shoot fields, the register display changes accordingly. In addition, the default display of the number of bytes in the register description is decimal, but this can be changed to hexadecimal or back to decimal again by selecting the Dec or Hex point-and-shoot fields.

All information that is associated with the currently selected event is either already included in the displayed information, or a point-and-shoot link to the information is provided in yellow. Such links include message and abend codes for which an explanation can be provided if selected (refer to Expanding messages and abend codes) and associated storage areas (refer to Displaying associated storage areas).

To select the previous or next event from the one currently displayed (when the fault includes more than one event), point-and-shoot links in yellow are provided at the bottom of the display. Simply place the cursor on one of these and press the Enter key.