User-specific report formatting

Using the EXEC command (see EXEC), a REXX Formatting user exit can be executed. This type of exit is able to generate a display of user-specific information, such as formatting of data areas which are unique to the analyzed application environment. For general information about this type of exit, see Formatting user exit.

Non-REXX Formatting user exits cannot be executed through the EXEC command.

If an exit name is specified with the EXEC command, then that exit is executed and a display containing any information that the exit has provided is presented. However, if no exit name is specified, then a list of all REXX Formatting user exits which are available from the IDIEXEC concatenation of data sets is presented in a Formatting User Exit Selection List display like the following example:
Figure 1. Sample Formatting User Exit Selection List display
  File  View  Services  Help
Formatting User Exit Selection List                            Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
JOBNAME: IDIVPPLI  SYSTEM ABEND: 0C9            FAE1      2019/05/07  11:29:07

{The following line commands are available: S (Select), B (Browse), E (Edit).}

   Name     Comment/Arguments                                                  
   IDISUFM1 Sample Formatting user exit to display TCB information
   IDISUFM2 Sample Formatting user exit for CICS CWA
   IDISUFM3 Sample Formatting user exit to illustrate the use of formatting tags

 F1=Help      F3=Exit      F4=Dsect     F5=RptFind   F6=Actions   F7=Up
 F8=Down     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=retrieve
To be recognized as a Formatting user exit for the Formatting User Exit Selection List display, the exit names must be specified in a control member within each IDIEXEC data set. The name of the control member must be $$UFMTX. Each record in the control member can contain the member name of the exit (not case-sensitive) and optionally a comment which is included in the Formatting User Exit Selection List display. A sample control member follows:
Figure 2. Sample $$UFMTX member
 BROWSE    FRED.EXEC($$UFMTX) - 01.01                 Line 00000000 Col 001 080
 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
********************************* Top of Data **********************************
IDISUFM1 Sample Formatting user exit to display TCB information
IDISUFM2 Sample Formatting user exit for CICS CWA
IDISUFM3 Sample Formatting user exit to illustrate the use of formatting tags
******************************** Bottom of Data ********************************

  F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE
  F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP nex F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE

The above sample control member is provided in softcopy format as member IDISUFMX in data set IDI.SIDISAM1.

To use this sample control member, you should:

  1. Copy it to another data set and rename it to $$UFMTX.
  2. Copy the three sample Formatting user exits named within it to the same data set.
  3. Specify the data set name now containing the control member and the exits in the DATASETS(IDIEXEC(data-set-name)) option.
  4. Invoke the Fault Analyzer ISPF interface and perform interactive reanalysis against a fault entry.
  5. Issue the EXEC command without specifying an exit name. This action should present a display similar to that in Figure 1 from where the sample exits can be run.
From the Formatting User Exit Selection List display, a line command can be issued against individual exits:
Executes the exit.
Enters ISPF browse against the exit.
Enters ISPF edit against the exit.

Often, exits require one or more parameters to be passed. Passing these parameters can be done by clearing (if necessary) and overtyping the "Comments/Arguments" field of the Formatting User Exit Selection List display to the right of the exit name. The field changes color when it has been overtyped to indicate that the data is used as parameters for the exit. By clearing the field, and pressing Enter, the original comment can be redisplayed instead.