Collapsing level 88 items

Collapsing the level 88 items can be used to suppress, potentially many and not very useful declarations, from the display. By placing the cursor on the minus sign immediately ahead of the "Collapse level 88" heading in Figure 1 and pressing Enter, the display is changed to that shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1. Sample Associated Storage Areas display with level 88 items collapsed
  File  View  Services  Help                                                  
Associated Storage Areas                                       Line 1 Col 1 80
JOBNAME: COBLVL88  SYSTEM ABEND: 0CB            FAE1      2021/09/20  15:48:38
Program Prolog Areas                                                          
WORKING-STORAGE SECTION                                                       
         + Expand hex   + Expand level 88                                     
  Offset Data Value         Source (Starting at Line # 000010 )               
STATIC storage at address 0000B3F0                                            
      A8 *WORKING-STORAGE *  01  FILLER                 PIC X(20)  VALUE 'WORK
      B8 *                *                                                   
Suppressed Copybook                                                           
     390 *....            *  01  FIELD-1                PIC 999999 COMP-3.    
     398 0                   01  FIELD-2                PIC 999999 COMP-4.    
     3A0 *......          *  01  FIELD-3                PIC 999999.           
                             01  TABLE-4.                                     
                                 03  TABLE-8 OCCURS 6 TIMES.                  
                                  04  TABLE-8A OCCURS 3 TIMES.                
     3A8 1.111100e+02              05 ELEMENT-1                           COMP
     3AC *....            *        05 ELEMENT-2 OCCURS 4 TIMES            PIC 
Level 88 Items                                                                
                                      ELEMENT-2(1,1,2) to ELEMENT-2(1,1,4) sam
     3BC *....            *        05 ELEMENT-3                  PIC 999999 CO
     3C0 0                         05 ELEMENT-4                  PIC 999999 CO
Note that the minus sign point-and-shoot field, now immediately ahead of the "Expand level 88" heading, has changed to a plus sign, and that if placing the cursor on this point-and-shoot field, the display changes back to the first display with level 88 items inlined.
Placing the cursor on the "Level 88 Items" point-and-shoot field, and pressing Enter, results in the display shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sample level 88 items display
  File  View  Services  Help                                                  
Level 88 Items                                                 Line 1 Col 1 80
JOBNAME: COBLVL88  SYSTEM ABEND: 0CB            FAE1      2021/09/20  15:48:38
          88 JACK VALUE 'JACK'.                                               
          88 JILL VALUE 'JILL'.                                               
*** Bottom of data.                                                           
Press PF3 to return to the associated storage areas display.

The last selected "Collapse/Expand level 88" option is saved in the user's ISPF profile and is used as the default display mode on subsequent Associated Storage Areas displays.