CICS Levels, Commareas, and Channels

Selecting the CICS® Levels, Commareas, and Channels point-and-shoot field provides you with a display as the example shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sample CICS Levels, Commareas, and Channels display
  File  View  Services  Help
CICS Levels, Commareas, and Channels                           Line 1 Col 1 80 
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR  
TRANID: CONT      CICS ABEND: CVER              FAE1      2019/09/17  14:39:58 
 Lnk Ev                 Commarea           Created                    Passed f 
   #  # Type Program  Address  Len  Channel(s)       Container name   Channel   
   1  4 EXEC CONTEST                PASS1001         CONT1002                  
                                    LOCAL102         CONT1002                  
                                    COMMONCHANNEL    COMMONCONTAINER           
                                    LOCAL101         CONT1002                  
   2  8 EXEC CONTEST2               PASS2001         CONT2002         PASS1001 
                                    LOCAL202         CONT2002CONT2001                  
                                    COMMONCHANNEL    COMMONCONTAINER           
                                    LOCAL201         CONT2002                  
   3 12 EXEC CONTEST3               PASS3001         CONT3001-1MB     PASS2001 


Selecting the container name point-and-shoot field provides information about the container type. For example, selecting the CONT2002 point-and-shoot field at ❶ in Figure 1 might display:

Figure 2. Sample CICS container display
 CICS Container                                                 Line 1 Col 1 80 
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR  
TRANID: CONT      CICS ABEND: CVER              FAE1      2019/09/17  14:39:58 
Container CONT2002 at address 177E33A0 has a length of X'1024'                 
Segment             Segment   Segment Preview  Segment Preview                 
Address             Offset    (EBCDIC)         (Hex)                          
17912028            X'000000' CONT2002/L202... C3D6D5E3 F2F0F0F2 61D3F2F0 F24B 
1790C328            X'000FD8' ---------------- 60606060 60606060 60606060 6060 
For some standard CICS® containers, a description of the container is also provided. For an example, see Figure 3.
Figure 3. Sample standard CICS container display
Container Data                                                 Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
TRANID: COBA      CICS ABEND: ATCV              FAE1      2019/04/06  12:32:44

DFHWS-BODY Contains the body section of the SOAP envelope. Typically, the
application will modify the contents.
Data Length X'3FE' Format XML Data

Address  Offset     Hex                                 ASCII / EBCDIC    
16A4B788                              3C534F41 502D454E *        <SOAP-EN*
16A4B790        +8  563A426F 64793E20 20202020 20202020 *V:Body>         *
16A4B7A0       +18  20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 *                *
         Lines 16A4B7B0-16A4B7C0 same as above
16A4B7D0       +48  20202020 20200D0A 3C434943 53564552 *      ..<CICSVER*
16A4B7E0       +58  324F7065 72617469 6F6E3E20 20202020 *2Operation>     *
16A4B7F0       +68  20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 *                *
         Lines 16A4B800-16A4B810 same as above
16A4B820       +98  20202020 20202020 0D0A3C63 6F6D6D61 *        ..<comma*
16A4B830       +A8  7265613E 20202020 20202020 20202020 *rea>            *
16A4B840       +B8  20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 *                *
         Lines 16A4B850-16A4B860 same as above
The character-interpreted section on the right-hand side of the hex data is automatically displayed as either EBCDIC or ASCII.
Selecting the "Format XML Data" point-and-shoot field at ❷ shows the formatted XML data:
Figure 4. Sample CICS XML formatter display
XML Formatter                                                  Line 1 Col 1 80
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
TRANID: COBA      CICS ABEND: ATCV              FAE1      2019/04/06  12:32:44

           Message 1
           Message 2
           Message 3