Set Trace options panel
The Set Trace Options panel is displayed when you select option 9 from the Settings Menu.
The panel allows you to view and modify parameters that control the Trace output produced by FM/IMS when it is run in debug mode.
Enter the RESET command to reset all the parameters on the panel to the installation defaults.
Enter the EXIT command (F3) to exit the panel saving the changes you have made.
Enter the CANCEL command (F12) to exit the panel without saving the changes you have made.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── FM/IMS Set Trace options Trace Options: Trace destination 3 1. FMNTRC 2. Terminal 3. Data set Data set name JHELVON.FMN.TRACE Output class . A Trace limit . 500 Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F6=Reset F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- Trace destination
- Specifies where FM/IMS debug trace output is to be sent:
- Send trace output to the current FMNTRC allocation.
- Terminal
- Send trace output to the terminal.
- Data set
- Send trace output to the temporary data set specified in the Data set name field.
- Data set name
- The temporary trace data set where FM/IMS trace output is directed when you select "Data set" for Trace destination.
- Output class
- The class of the JES spool queue to be used when the PRINT command is issued while browsing the temporary trace data set.
- Trace limit
- When run in debug mode, FM/IMS writes the Trace output to a buffer
(as for normal debug mode), but the buffer is only written to the
Trace destination, if FM/IMS abnormally terminates.
This field specifies the number of Trace statements that are retained in the buffer. If you specify a value of zero, background debug mode is turned off.
Parent panels
Child panels