Template Update : New Database Segments panel
When the DBD that a template is built from is modified to include new
segment types, you need to provide the following information when you
use the Template Update Utility to update the template:
- The names of all the new segment types in the DBD, and
- For each new segment type, the name of a copybook member that describes the segment layout.
You specify this information on the New Database Segment panel.
This panel is displayed when, on the Template Update Utility panel, the New database segments option is selected and the Skip database segment list update option is not selected.
Panel and field definitions
- New segment
- The names of all the new segment types in the databases whose templates you are updating.
- Layout member
- For each new segment type, the name of a copybook member that describes its layout.
Note: If there are more than twelve new database segment types, use
the batch execution to generate JCL which you can modify to add
more segment-copybook pairs.