Database Data Set Display panel
The Database Data Set Display panel displays the names of the database data sets that the function will use.
The panel is displayed when, on the
Browse Entry panel, Edit Entry panel, Extract Entry panel, Load Entry panel,
Print Entry panel, Batch Edit Entry panel, or Batch Browse Entry panel,
you specify:
- Region type of "DLI".
- Skip DB data set panel option not selected.
- Either a database that is a HALDB or an IMS subsystem that is defined as dynamic allocation only in the FM/IMS installation options module.
It is also displayed when, on the Delete/Define or Initialize Entry panel,
you specify:
- The Skip DB data set panel option as not selected.
- Either a database that is a HALDB or an IMS subsystem that is defined as dynamic allocation only in the FM/IMS installation options module.
Panel and field definitions
- Subsystem
- The subsystem name you specified on the function's entry panel.
- Database
- The database name you specified on the function's entry panel.
- DBD name
- The names of these physical DBDs:
- Either the DBD for the database specified on the function's entry panel (if it is a physical DBD), or the physical DBDs that it references (if it is a logical DBD).
- The physical DBDs that are logically related to the physical DBDs specified in the above bullet.
- DD name
- The DD name for each database data set dynamically allocated by IMS.
- Data set name
- The names of the database data sets dynamically allocated by IMS.
For HALDB databases, FM/IMS obtains the data set names from DBRC.
For non-HALDB databases, FM/IMS obtains the data set names from
the DFSMDA dynamic allocation members.
Verify that the database data sets listed are the ones you want the function to use.
To confirm usage of these data sets and to proceed to the next panel in the dialog, press Enter.