IMS data panel
This panel is displayed in the Browse and Edit dialogs after you have specified a starting position within the database on the Database Positioning or Key Specification panel.
The panel title includes the dialog type (Browse or Edit) and the database name. The panel displays data in the IMS database from the specified starting position. When you are in the Edit dialog, the panel allows you to update the data.
IMS data can be displayed in CHAR, HEX, LHEX, TABL, or SNGL format. IMS data panel - CHAR format through IMS data panel - SNGL format show the panel with the data in each of these formats.
Panel and field definitions
Fields in Header area:
- Title
- The title of the panel; includes the name of the database that you are browsing or editing.
- (Edit only) The checkpoint ID of the last checkpoint taken.
- Autosave
- (Edit only) The current setting of the Autosave option:
- ON
- The FM/IMS automatic checkpoint facility is turned on.
- The FM/IMS automatic checkpoint facility is turned off.
To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Set AUTOSAVE ON option on the DLI Mode Options panel (option 0.6.4) or the BMP Mode Options panel (option 0.7.2).
- (Only when using a view) The current setting of the SHOW SUP option. The setting
affects the display of suppressed segments when in CHAR, HEX, LHEX, and TABL
- ON
- There is one line for each suppressed segment occurrence. When in CHAR, HEX or LHEX display format, the data of suppressed segments is displayed in the data area just as it is for nonsuppressed segments. When in TABL format, the key of the suppressed segment is displayed in the data area.
- The data of suppressed segments is not displayed. Suppressed segment occurrences are grouped together and are represented by shadow lines. When a shadow line represents just one segment occurrence, the key of the segment occurrence is displayed in the data area. When a shadow line represents more than one segment occurrence, the number of segment occurrences the shadow line represents is displayed in the data area. When more than one segment layout has been specified for a segment type, the layout of the suppressed segments is also displayed on the shadow line.
To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Set SHOW SUP ON option on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
- Scope
- The current setting of the scope option.
The scope is the range over which:
- Commands operate
- Segments are retrieved for display
- DB
- The scope is the entire database.
- The scope is restricted to the current database record.
To change the setting during an Edit session, use the SCOPE primary command.
To change the initial setting for an Edit sessions, select or deselect the Set SCOPE REC option on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
- Col
- (CHAR, HEX and LHEX formats only) The leftmost data column that is currently displayed. You can scroll to a specific column (left or right) by typing a new value.
- Format
- The display format of the data. Either CHAR, HEX, LHEX, TABL, or SNGL. To change the display format, overtype the first byte of the field with the first character of the desired format.
- Segment
- (SNGL format only) The name of the segment displayed on the panel.
- Level
- (SNGL format only) The hierarchical level of the segment in the database.
- Concatenated key value
- (SNGL format only) The concatenated key value of the displayed segment.
- Current 01
- (SNGL format only) The layout used to format the data of the segment.
Fields in Data area (CHAR, HEX, LHEX, and TABL formats):
- Cmd
- The line command entry field. This panel supports the following
line commands:
- D
- (Edit only) Deletes the segment occurrence and all its dependents.
- FC, FH, and FL
- Scrolls the line to the top of the display
- When the line is a shadow line, makes the suppressed segments associated with the shadow line the currently formatted segment type
- Changes the display format to CHAR (FC), HEX (FH), or LHEX (FL)
- FS, FT
- (Only when using a view)
- Scrolls the line to the top of the display
- When the line is a shadow line, makes the suppressed segments associated with the shadow line the currently formatted segment type
- Changes the display format to SNGL (FS), or TABL (FT)
- I, R
- (Edit only) Displays either the Insert Root Segment panel (when entered against a root segment) or the Insert Segment panel (when entered against a nonroot segment). These panels allow you to insert a segment occurrence into the database.
- K
- Displays the Key Specification panel for the segment type of the occurrence against which you entered the command. This panel allows you to specify a new starting position in the database for the display of data.
- RA
- (Edit only) Displays either the Insert Root Segment panel (when entered against a root segment) or the Insert Segment panel (when entered against a nonroot segment). These panels allow you to insert a segment occurrence into the database and duplicate all of the dependent segments of the segment against which the command was issued under this new occurrence.
- V
- (Only when using a view) When entered against a shadow line, makes the suppressed segment associated with the shadow line the currently formatted segment type.
- Level
- The hierarchical level of the segment in the database.
- Segment
- The segment type.
Fields in Data area (SNGL format):
- The CCSID if one has been been assigned to the field in the template.
To display or hide the CCSID column, use the CCSID primary command. To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Show the CCSID on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
- Ref
- The field reference number that the view has assigned to the field.
To display or hide the field reference number, use the REFS primary command. To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Record formatting option Field reference number on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
- Field
- The level number and name of the field, together with
other attributes such as REDEFINES, array sizes, and DEPENDING ON references.
To display or hide the structure information in the Field column, use the STR primary command. To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Record formatting option Structure on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
To display or hide the REDEFINES information (in the Field column) and the redefined fields, use the RDF primary command. To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Record formatting option Redefined fields on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
- Typ
- The data type for the field.
To display or hide the Type column, use the TYP primary command. To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Record formatting option Field type and length values on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
- Start
- The location within the layout of the start of the field.
To display or hide the Start column, use the SLOC primary command. To change the initial setting for an Edit session, select or deselect the Record formatting option Start location on the Editor Options panel (option 0.5).
- Len
- The length of the field.
To display or hide the Length column, use the TYP primary command (see Typ entry above).
- Data
- The data of the field in a display format.