Editor Options panel
Panel and field definitions
The Editor Options panel is displayed when you select option 5 from the Settings Menu.
The panel allows you to view and modify selected options used by the Edit and Browse functions.
Note: When you are editing or browsing data, you can use primary commands to
change the settings of the Editor options. But these changed settings only
remain in effect until the end of the Edit or Browse dialog. When you start a new Edit or
Browse dialog, the settings you specified on this panel come into effect again.
Process Options Help
FM/IMS Editor Options
Initial Settings:
Enter "/" to select option Format
Translate changed data to uppercase (CAPS ON) 1 1. Previous
Expose suppressed records (SHOW SUP ON) 2. TABL
Limit scope to current database record (SCOPE REC) 3. SNGL
Show field reference numbers on SNGL displays (REF) 4. CHAR
Show field picture clauses on SNGL displays (PIC) 5. HEX
Show record structure on SNGL displays (STR) 6. LHEX
/ Show redefined fields on SNGL and TABL displays (RDF)
Show field type & length on SNGL displays (TYPE)
Show field start locations on SNGL displays (SLOC)
/ Show the CCSID associated with the field on SNGL displays (CCSID)
Left justify numerics on SNGL displays (JUST)
Prompt to save view when exiting edit/browse session
/ Use * (any segment type) as default on NEXT and PREVIOUS commands
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- Translate changed data to uppercase (CAPS ON)
- Select to translate data entered into input fields into uppercase. Do not select this option if you want to enter lowercase or mixed-case data. Also affects the processing of CHANGE arguments.
- Expose suppressed records (SHOW SUP ON)
- Select to expose or show suppressed records. Selecting this option has the same effect as if the SHOW SUP ON command has been entered. If a SHOW command is entered during a File Manager session, it resets this option for the session.
- Limit scope to current database record (SCOPE REC)
- If selected, File Manager halts at the end of a database record when displaying segments. A notification panel is displayed before crossing database records when using the navigation commands NEXT and TWIN. The scope of the PREVIOUS command is limited to the beginning of the current database record. With SCOPE DB, File Manager presents segments from all database records (provided they meet any view criteria, if used).
- Show field reference numbers on SNGL displays (REF)
- Select to show the field reference numbers when using SNGL display or print format. If this option is not selected, the field reference numbers are not shown. The display of this field can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the REF command.
- Show field picture clauses on SNGL displays (PIC)
- Select when using SNGL display format to show the picture clause when using a template generated from a COBOL copybook and, for a template generated from a PL/I copybook, show the length and scale (if non-zero) for binary and packed fields. Also show the bit length for bit fields. If this option is not selected, the picture clause is not shown. The display of this clause can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the PIC command.
- Show record structure on SNGL displays (STR)
- Select to show the full structure of the template when using SNGL display or print format. If this option is not selected, full structure is not shown. The display of these fields can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the STR command.
- Show redefined fields on SNGL and TABL displays (RDF)
- Select to show any redefined fields when using SNGL or TABL display or print format. If this option is not selected, redefined fields are not shown unless the field has been specifically selected in the template. The display of these fields can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the RDF command.
- Show field type & length on SNGL displays (TYPE)
- Select to show the type and length values when using SNGL display or print format. If this option is not selected, the field type and length are not shown. The display of these fields can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the TYPE command.
- Show field start locations on SNGL displays (SLOC)
- Select to show the start location of each field when using SNGL display or print format. If this option is not selected, the start location of each field is not shown. The display of the start location can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the SLOC command.
- Show the CCSID associated with fields on SNGL displays (CCSID)
- Select to show the CCSID, if one has been assigned when using SNGL display or print format. If this option is not selected the CCSID column is not displayed The display of these fields can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the CCSID command.
- Left justify numerics on SNGL displays (JUST)
- Select to left-justify numeric fields when using SNGL display or print format. If this option is not selected, numeric fields are displayed right-justified. The display justification of numeric fields can also be set in the editor dialog by means of the JUST command.
- Prompt to save view when exiting edit/browse session
- Select to issue a prompt for saving the view. If you select this option and you have selected options 1 or 2 for the View usage processing option, and the View was altered, the View Save panel is displayed to allow you to save your view when exiting the browse or edit session.
- Use * (any segment type) as default on NEXT and PREVIOUS commands
- When selected, allows the * parameter to be the default action for the NEXT and PREVIOUS navigation commands. When set on, or used on the commands, they will navigate to the next (or previous) available segment regardless of segment or layout type. When this option is not used, the current setting of the SHOW SUP value controls the operation of the NEXT and PREVIOUS commands.
- Format
- Sets the initial display format for a Browse or Edit session:
- 1. Previous
- Use same format as specified in the previous Browse or Edit session. This is default.
- 2. TABL
- TABL display format. For data that has not been formatted with a template, the IMS data panel is displayed in CHAR display format.
- 3. SNGL
- SNGL display format. For data that has not been formatted with a template, the IMS data panel is displayed in CHAR display format.
- 4. CHAR
- CHAR display format.
- 5. HEX
- HEX display format.
- 6. LHEX
- LHEX display format.
Parent panels
Child panels
- None.
Related topics and examples
- Setting the initial display format
- Selecting a display format
- CAPS primary command
- JUST primary command
- NEXT primary command
- PIC primary command
- PREVIOUS primary command
- RDF primary command
- REFS primary command
- SCOPE primary command
- SHOW (REC) primary command
- SLOC primary command
- STR primary command
- TYPE primary command