Record Sampling panel
The Record Sampling panel is used to specify a repeating sample pattern that will limit the number of records presented in an editor session.
In a repeating sample:
- The Starting position is set first, and always applies to the physical records, before any template processing is applied.
- If a template is in use, the template selection criteria then filters the data set and the Initial skip field is used to determine the number of selected records to skip.
- Records are then read from the data set and template processing (if a template is used) occurs on them. Records are included in the Edit session until the number of selected records (if not using a template, the number of physical records) matches the Include selected records field value.
- After the above number of selected records have been included, the number of selected records in this field will then be skipped. (If not using a template this is physical records) They are not presented in any form in the editor session.
- Steps 3 and 4 are then repeated until either the end of the data set, or the total number of selected records has been included as specified (in the Total selected record limit field) (if using a template), or the total number of physical records as specified has been read, or File Manager can contain no more records in virtual storage.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help
File Manager Record Sampling
Starting position . . . .
Start position type . . . 1. Key
2. RBA
3. Record number
4. Formatted key
Include physical records
Skip physical records
Total physical record limit
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- Starting position
- This represents the physical record number to set the starting point of the editor session. The default is record 1, meaning the top of the data set. A value entered in the Start position field on the View Entry or Edit Entry panel, is carried through to this panel when it is opened.
- Start position type
- Determines how File Manager interprets the value provided in the Starting
position field. If the Start position type is not specified,
File Manager assumes that the value is a record number. Note: The available selections below are changed so that only those valid for the selected file type appear.
- 1. KEY
- Only valid when the data set is a VSAM KSDS, VSAM AIX, or VSAM PATH.
- 2. RBA
- Only valid when the data set is a VSAM KSDS, VSAM AIX, or VSAM ESDS.
- 3. Record Number
- Default. Valid for any type of supported data set.
- 4. Formatted key
- Only valid when the data set is a VSAM KSDS, VSAM AIX, or VSAM PATH and when a template is provided. This displays the
formatted Key Positioning panel. Note: For templates with more than one layout, a 01 selection list is displayed first.
- Include physical records
- This represents the number of physical records that is to be included in a repeating sample from the data set. When this field is used, both this field and the Skip physical records fields must have nonzero values.
- Skip physical records
- This represents the number of physical records that is to be skipped in a repeating sample from the data set. The Include physical records field must have a nonzero value for this field to have any meaning.
- Total physical record limit
- This represents the total number of physical records that wil be read from the data set. If the Include physical records and Skip physical records fields are used, only the included records are counted in this total. The editor session will contain records from the data set up to the end of the data set, or the total number of physical records as specified in this field has been read, or File Manager can contain no more records in virtual storage, whichever occurs first.
Process Options Help
File Manager Record Sampling
Starting position . . . .
Start position type . . . 1. Key
2. RBA
3. Record number
Initial skip . . . . . .
Include selected records
Skip selected records
Total selected record limit
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- Initial skip
- This field is only available when processing with a template. This represents the number of records regarded as selected by the template processing that will initially be skipped. These records are not presented in any form in the editor session.
- Include selected records
- This represents the number of selected records that are included in a repeating sample from the data set. When this field is used, both this field and the Skip selected records fields must have nonzero values.
- Skip selected records
- This represents the number of selected records that are skipped in a repeating sample from the data set. The Include selected records field must have a nonzero value for this field to have any meaning.