WebSphere® MQ Managers Information panel
This panel provides the attributes of the queue manager that are typically displayed as a result of the DISPLAY QMGR ALL command, including a terse description of the attribute.
Panel and field definitions
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File Manager Websphere MQ Manager Information
Queue Manager:
Manager name . . . . . . MQ72
Description . . . . . . IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS - V7
Basic Information:
Last altered date . . . 2009-08-01 Time . 06.33.19
Platform . . . . . . . . MVS CPI Level 100
Command level . . . . . 700
Queue and namelist names:
Command queue . . . . . SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT
Dead letter queue . . .
Default XMIT queue . . .
Repository name . . . .
Repository namelist . .
SSL Key Repository . . .
SSL CRL Namelist . . . .
SSL CRL Namelist . . . .
Security related:
SSL Renegotiate . . . . 0 SSL Server subtasks . . 0
Priority . . . . . . . . 9 Message Length . . . . 104857600
Open Handles . . . . . . 256 Uncommitted messages . 10000
Channels . . . . . . . . 200 Out cluster channels . 999999999
Cluster exit data len . 100 Active channels . . . . 200
TCPIP Channels . . . . . 200 LU62 channels . . . . . 200
Authorization events . . DISABLED Local events . . . . . DISABLED
Remote events . . . . . DISABLED Command events . . . . DISABLED
Start/Stop events . . . ENABLED Config events . . . . DISABLED
Inhibit events . . . . . DISABLED Channel events . . . . DISABLED
Performance events . . . DISABLED SSL events . . . . . . DISABLED
Bridge events . . . DISABLED
Syncpoint available . . AVAILABLE Expiry scan interval . OFF
Queue sharing group . . Trigger interval . . . 999999999
Channel autodef exit . . Cluster workload exit .
Cluster exit data . . .
Cluster put behaviour . LOCAL Shared queue mgr name . USE
Intra group queueing . . DISABLED Intra group authority . DEF
Intra queue agent . . . IP Address version . . IPV4
Accounting collection . ON Q monitor collection . OFF
Channel collection . . . OFF Auto cluster collect . QMGR
Trace route record . . . MSG Activity record . . . .
Adapter subtasks . . . . 9 Dispatchers . . . . . . 5
TCPIP Keepalive used . . NO TCPIP Task name . . . . TCPIP
TCPIP Stack usage . . . SINGLE TCPIP Max port number . 0
TCPIP Min port number . 0 LU62 Generic name . . .
LU62 outbound name . . . LU62 APPCPM suffix . .
Command ===> Scroll PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
Each field on the panel has an associated field help panel containing text extracted from the Websphere MQ library, which remains the authoritative reference for all things MQ.
Parent panels
Child panels
- None.