Find/Change Utility panel
The Find/Change Utility allows you to search for or change a string in a PDS, a VSAM data set, or a sequential data set by entering a FIND or CHANGE command on the Command line. You can also search for strings in HFS files.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── File Manager Find/Change Utility Command ===> Scroll CSR Input Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file: Data set/path name 'FMNUSER.DATA' + Member . . . . . * (Blank - selection, pattern - process list) Volume serial . (If not cataloged) Record count . . ALL (Number of records to be searched) - Additional options Listing data set . SRCHFOR.LIST Enter "/" to select option Listing Option ISPF Packing JCL Source format Immediate change 1 1. Long 1 1. Asis Use REXX proc Batch execution 2. Summary 2. Pack REXX no update Directory integrity Stats Option 3. Unpack Advanced member selection Memory 2 1. Off 4. None Binary mode, reclen CAPS initially on 2. Force 5. Skip Process List: Sel Name Prompt Alias-of Size Created Changed ID M100 Selected M1000 Selected M10000 Selected M10001 Selected M10007 Selected M10008 Selected Command ===> Scroll PAGE F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F5=Refresh F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F12=Cancel
- Data set/path name
- Can be a fully-qualified data set name or a pattern, an HFS file
or directory, a WebSphere® MQ
queue name, or a CICS® resource.
For information about specifying a WebSphere® MQ queue name, see Specifying an MQ manager or queue.
For information about specifying a CICS® resource, see Specifying a CICS resource.
The name may include a member name or name pattern in parenthesis. If the member is specified here, the associated Member field must be empty.
When you specify an HFS file or directory, you must enter a full path name. If the path name is longer than the displayed entry field, press the Expand function key to display a pop-up window in which you can enter a longer name.
- Member
- If you specified the name of a partitioned data set (PDS) without including a member name or name pattern in parenthesis in the Data set name field, then you can use this field to specify the member name or a member name pattern.
- Volume serial
- Serial number of the volume which contains the data set. Required for data sets which are not cataloged.
- Record count
- Number of logical records to be searched for FIND/CHANGE/FINDNOT
commands. For a PDS, the number of logical records to be searched
per member.
Range = 1 - 99,999,999; default = ALL.
- Additional options
- Collapses
or expands the following section of the Find/Change Utility panel.
When a minus sign (
) is shown, position the cursor on the minus sign and press Enter to expand the following section of the panel.When a plus sign (
) is shown, position the cursor on the plus sign and press Enter to collaps the following section of the panel. - Listing data set
- Specifies the data set where File Manager find/change results
are to be stored. Use the default name or enter a sequential data
set name.
Default: 'userid.SRCHFOR.LIST'
- JCL source format
- Indicates that the data set contains JCL and that the JCL syntax
is to be preserved. If not successful at maintaining the number and size of records, File Manager attempts to rewrite the file:
- More errors are possible in this case. For example, a PDS(E) may run out of room.
- If a logical line is changed and requires more physical records, the file is rewritten. The data in columns 73–80 for new physical records is copied from the last related original physical record.
The file must be non-VSAM and have a fixed record length of 80.
When using the JCL source format option, the columns searched are set to 3 through 71, unless the statement is not a JCL statement. A statement is considered to be a JCL statement if it begins with the strings "/*" or "//". If the statement does not begin with either of these strings, it is not considered to be a JCL statement in which case any column range specified on the FIND (or CHANGE, respectively) command or preset using the BOUNDS command is honored. If no column range has been specified, the full record is searched.
- Use REXX proc
- You can use this option to perform either of these actions
- Enter a temporary REXX procedure for one-time use by entering a single asterisk (*). File Manager displays an Edit panel, in which you can create a new REXX procedure.
- Specify the name of the member containing the REXX procedure you
want to use, The member must belong to the PDS allocated to ddname
FMNEXEC. You can enter any of the following:
- The name of the member.
- A member name pattern (other than a single *) to list all matching
members. You can then select the required member by entering an
in the Sel field. A member name pattern can consist of any characters that are valid in a member name and the following two special pattern characters:- asterisk (*)
- Represents any number of characters. As many asterisks as required can appear anywhere in a
member name. For example, if you enter
, a list of all members in the data set whose name contains “d” is displayed. - percent sign (%)
- A place-holding character representing a single character. As
many percent symbols as necessary can appear anywhere in a member
name. For example, if you enter
, a list of all members in the data set whose name is four characters in length is displayed.
Note: If you select this option but leave the Use REXX proc member entry field blank, File Manager displays a member name list. You can then select the required member by enteringS
in the Sel field.(Also, see Supplying a procedure when using a File Manager panel.)
- REXX no update
- Allows you to specify that you intend no updates to the FCH data set while executing the utility. This option is valid only when a REXX procedure has been specified and is ignored otherwise. If selected, it forces the allocation of the data set as input only. All updates to the data are ignored.
- Advanced member selection
- Enter "/" to specify a range of members to be selected rather than a specific or generic member name.
- Binary mode
- When processing an HFS file, allows you to specify binary mode (selected) or text mode (unselected).
- reclen
- When processing an HFS file and the Binary mode option is selected, records are derived based on the fixed record length specified. The default is 80. Can be in the range: 1–32760.
- Use I/O exit
- Allows you to specify a user I/O exit for compressed or encrypted data sets.
This option has two fields. To select the option, enter “/” in the field to the left of Use I/O exit. With this selected, you can then specify which exit to use in the field to the right of the field label.
Note:- The field only displays if File Manager is installed with the option USEIOX=ENABLE, and the Exit enabled field (in the Set System Processing Options panel) is set to YES. If a default is specified with either of those options, it is displayed in the field to the right of Use I/O exit.
- An I/O exit can only be used to process the data set in which you are creating records. It cannot be used to process the copybook or template that you are using to format the data set.
- Immediate change
- When you use the CHANGE command, the input data set is updated immediately (without displaying the changes in the listing data set).
- Batch execution
- Creates JCL to reflect the command entered. The JCL is presented
in an Edit session which you can edit before submitting.
Batch execution restricts the member selection to the pattern specified in the member field. Batch execution does not produce a pop-up selection panel for member selection. If you leave the member field blank, an asterisk (*) is substituted in the JCL generated. For more information, see FCH (Find/Change).
- Directory integrity
- Forces an override of the default PDS(E) member processing method
which allows for faster PDS directory access.
This option has significant performance impact. When selected, the members are processed in a way which allows concurrent directory updates as File Manager accesses the members using current directory information.
When not selected, the member processing is performed faster, but may be affected by PDS(E) directory updates, possibly causing I/O errors if the data set is updated concurrently.
- Memory
- Enter / to perform a change in memory. The following changes occur:
- Opens the data set or member for input and reads all the records into memory.
- Supports record length changes when the search and replace strings are different lengths and the resultant length is less than or equal to the maximum logical record length of a variable length data set.
- Opens for output and writes all the records loaded back to the data set when a change is made.
Note:- This option is ignored for VSAM files.
- This option can be used to avoid the restrictions associated with opening the data set in UPDATE mode.
- The function is terminated if there is insufficient memory to load the entire member or data set into memory. A larger region size may be required.
- For compressed data sets, the change is always performed in memory.
- Memory processing performs slower than update in place.
- CAPS initially on
- Converts the data entered into input fields to uppercase characters. Do not select this option if you want to enter lowercase characters or mixed case data. This option also affects the processing of CHANGE arguments.
- Listing Option
- Determines the format of the output report.
- 1 Long
- A full report, including each record found or changed.
- 2 Summary
- A summary report providing totals for records processed and strings found and changed.
- Stats Option
- Determines whether ISPF statistics (if present) for the PDS members being processed are updated:
- Blank
- Update ISPF statistics.
- 1 Off
- Do not update ISPF statistics.
- 2 Force
- Always update or create ISPF statistics.
- ISPF Packing
- Provided that the data set is a sequential, PDS or PDSE file and
an I/O exit routine is not used, one of these options can be used
to control the utility's behavior when processing data that is in
ISPF PACK format.
- 1. Asis
- If the data set is packed, it is unpacked before any processing. The data set is rewritten in packed format only when it was packed initially.
- 2. Pack
- If the data set is packed, it is unpacked before processing. The data set is always rewritten in unpacked format.
- 3. Unpack
- If the data set is packed, it is unpacked before processing. The data set is always rewritten in packed format.
- 4. None
- No checking or processing of ISPF packed data occurs. The FIND and CHANGE commands operate on the packed data. This option is forced if an I/O exit has been used.
- 5. Skip
- If the data is packed, no processing occurs.