AIX Entry Detail panel

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1. (Part 1 of 2) AIX Entry Detail panel
  Process   Options   Help
 File Manager                   AIX Entry Detail

 AIX Catalog Entry:
    Data set name  . . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS2.AIX1'
    Catalog ID . . . . 'CATALOG.UCATAPC'
                                                                    More:     +
 Basic Information:
    Creation date  . . 2003.351         Expiration date (NONE)

    Data component . . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS2.AIX1.DATA'
    Index component  . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS2.AIX1.INDEX'

 AIX Associations:
    Cluster  . . . . . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS2'
      Data component . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS2.DATA'
    Path . . . . . . . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS2.AIX1PTH1'

 SMS Attribute:
    SMS managed  . . . Y
 AIX Attributes:
    CI size  . . . . . 20480    size of the data control intervals
    Buffer space . . . 41984    buffer space to be allocated at open time

    Share options .    Cross region  1           Cross systems 3

    Process options    Reuse . . . . N           Recovery  . . Y
                       Erase . . . . N           Extended  . . N
                       Upgrade . . . Y           Writecheck  . N

  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F6=Assocs    F7=Up
  F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F11=Stats    F12=Cancel
Figure 2. (Part 2 of 2) AIX Entry Detail panel
  Process   Options   Help
 File Manager                   AIX Entry Detail

 AIX Catalog Entry:
    Data set name  . . 'SYATES.UNITTEST.RFM0189.ESDS2.AIX1'
    Catalog ID . . . . 'CATALOG.UCATAPC'
                                                                    More:     -
 AIX Data Allocation:
    Allocation unit  . CYL      REC, KB, MB, TRK, or CYL

    Space . . . . .    Primary . . 1             Secondary . 0
    Record size . .    Average . . 4086          Maximum . . 32600
    Free space . .     % of CI . . 0             % of CA . . 0

    Volume serial(s) . MV8W17
    Device type(s) . . 3390

 AIX Key Definition:
    Key length . . . . 64                  Key offset  . . 0
    Unique . . . . . . N

 AIX Index Allocation:
    CI size  . . . . . 1024     size of the index control intervals
    Allocation unit  . TRK      REC, KB, MB, TRK, or CYL

    Space . . . . .    Primary . . 1             Secondary . 0

    Volume serial(s) . MV8W17
    Device type(s) . . 3390
Command ===>
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F6=Assocs    F7=Up
  F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F11=Stats    F12=Cancel

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