Allocate panel
You use the Allocation panel to select the data set organization type for a new data set. File Manager displays this panel whenever you specify an output data set that does not exist, for example, as part of the Data Create or Copy process.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Allocate /u/testonly/xxx.txt New Data Set Organization: Select option Instructions 1. KSDS The above data set does not exist. 2. ESDS To define or allocate a new data set select a data 3. RRDS set organization and press ENTER or press PF3/EXIT 4. VRRDS or PF12/CANCEL to return without allocation. 5. LDS 6. Non VSAM 7. IAM KSDS For a new data set, enter a data set name 8. IAM ESDS below to copy existing allocation attributes. 9. HFS Existing Data Set: Like data set . . . . . Volume serial . . . . . Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- Allocate
- Lists the new data set name that you are allocating.
- New Data Set Organization
- Option to select the data set organization type. Choose from:
- 1. KSDS
- Key-sequenced data set. A type of VSAM data set that contains records in ascending collating sequence, and can be accessed by a field, called a key, or by a relative byte address.
- 2. ESDS
- Entry-sequenced data set. A type of VSAM data set that contains records in the order in which they were entered. Records are added to the end of the data set, and can be accessed.
- 3. RRDS
- Relative record data set. A type of VSAM data set that contains records in order by relative record number, and can be accessed only by this number. There are two types of RRDS: fixed-length and variable length. In this panel, the term RRDS refers specifically to the fixed-length type. However, in other situations where the types do not need to be differentiated, the term RRDS may be used for both types.
- 4. VRRDS
- Variable length relative record data set. A type of VSAM data set that contains records in order by relative record number, and can be accessed only by this number. There are two types of RRDS: fixed-length and variable length. Within File Manager, the term VRRDS refers specifically to the variable-length type.
- 5. LDS
- Linear data set. A type of VSAM data set that contains data that has no record boundaries. Linear data sets contain none of the control information that other VSAM data sets do and must be cataloged.
- 6. Non-VSAM
- Allows you to specify a sequential or partitioned data set, using either an existing data set as a model, SMS class names and disk space requirements, or the system defaults.
- Indexed Access Method - Key Sequence. A non-IBM data set type.
- Indexed Access Method - Entry Sequence. A non-IBM data set type.
- 9. HFS
- Hierarchical File System file. A non-z/OS file, processed in
File Manager as a simulated QSAM/BSAM data set.
Note: File Manager only displays this option when you have specified an HFS path name (that is, a name starting with a
) in the Data set/path name field of the preceding panel.
- Like data set
- The name of an existing sequential or partitioned data set to
be used as a model.
If you specify a mask in this field, File Manager displays the Model Data Set Selection panel listing the data sets matching the mask from which you can select the model data set.
The attributes of this data set are copied to the second allocation panel as the default values for your new data set.
- Volume serial
- The volume serial of an existing non-cataloged sequential or partitioned
data set to be used as a model when option 6. Non-VSAM has
been selected.
You can only specify a volume serial if you have also specified a model data set (or mask) in the Like data set field.
Parent panels
Child panels
Equivalent functions
- None.