Member Selection panel
The Member Selection panel provides a list of PDS or PDSE members, from which you can select members to be included in your current process.
This panel is displayed when you have specified a PDS or PDSE on an Entry panel and either left the Member field blank or entered a member name pattern. It is also displayed for directory lists produced by CA-Panvalet and other library management systems.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── File Manager Edit Member Selection Row 00004 of 00416 DSNAME CARLAND.FMN.ADCU Name Prompt Alias-of Lib Size Created Changed ⟶ * * * * * * ABCDEF 41 2010/08/02 2010/08/02 11:01:01 ABEND0C7 ACTFX ACTFXS ACTFXSC ACTFXU ACTFXUC ALIAS AMASPZAP 10 2010/08/02 2010/08/02 10:59:08 AMBLIST 10 2003/04/01 2009/12/23 16:55:59 APARDEF ASMADOP 17 2003/01/22 2003/01/22 14:23:01 ASMCOMPO 31 2001/07/06 2002/10/21 16:03:26 ASMDASM 13 2002/04/04 2004/04/13 14:56:23 ASMDECK 17 1999/06/24 2006/01/12 14:39:18 Command ===> Scroll PAGE F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F5=RFind F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
- PDSs with formatted records
- PDSs with unformatted records (such as loadlibs)
- CA-Panvalet directory lists
- Other library management system library directory lists
The common fields displayed (for all displays) are described below, followed by the specific fields for each type. Other library management system library directory lists are determined by the customer-provided interface and are not listed here.
- (Prefix area)
- Area in which you can enter one of the following prefix commands:
- Browse
- Browse the member.
- Copy
- Copy the member and any related aliases.
- Delete
- Delete the member and any related aliases.For data sets that support member generations, the following additional options are displayed in a confirmation panel:
- Delete the member and all generations.
- Delete the member and recover the most recent generation to become the current member.
- Edit
- For member lists restricted to showing only templates, IMS™ views, or extract criteria, the corresponding template, view, or criteria edit is invoked. For all other member lists, it edits the member. View is substituted for members managed by other library systems.
- G
- Synonym for the RESET prefix command.
- History
- Display history information for data sets with member generations. Where the command is entered
for an alias, the generations are displayed for the primary member.
This command is available only for version 2 PDSEs with MAXGENS greater than zero.
- Jcl
- Generate the link-edit JCL for the load module. This command is only active for loadlib member lists.
- Move
- Move the member and any related aliases.
- Invoke the File Manager Print utility to print the member.
- REName
- Rename the member.
For PDSEs that support generations, all member generations will also be renamed.
- RESet
- Invoke the File Manager Reset ISPF Statistics function to reset or delete the ISPF statistics for the member.
- Select /
- Select a member. Depending on the function from which this panel
has been invoked, results in one of these actions:
- A single member being selected and returned to the calling routine. (Note: subsequent selections are ignored)
- Toggling of the selected value in the prompt field.
- Selection of a member to be processed by the function that invoked the member list.
Note: This command is not valid when the panel is displayed as the result of the MEMBER prefix command. - SUbmit
- Submits the member to the JES internal reader.
- Update
- This command is only active for member lists restricted to showing File Manager Base component templates only and invokes the source definition edit/update process for a selected template.
- View
- View the member if the member is not a load module. If the member is a load module, the load module CSECT information is displayed.
- Name
- The name of the member.
- Prompt
- A dynamic area that displays the last action that occurred for the listed member.
- Alias-of
- Displayed for PDS directories and shows the alias names. If a
broken alias is encountered,
is displayed. - Lib
- The relative number of the library (as listed on the Library List panel). This column only appears if more than one library directory has been processed.
- ID
- The User ID of the person who last created or changed the member.
- Size
- The current number of statements in the member.
- Created
- The date the member was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
- Changed
- The date and time, in YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:SS format, on which the member was last changed.
- ID
- The User ID of the person who last created or changed the member.
- The initial number of records in the member.
- The current number of records in the member
- The version and modification level of the member.
- Size
- The hexadecimal value for the load module size.
- AC
- Authorization code.
- AM
- AMODE binder value.
- RM
- RMODE binder value.
- Attributes
- Attribute values determined by binder:
- RF
- The module is refreshable.
- RN
- The module is reenterable.
- RU
- The module is reusable.
- OV
- The module has overlay structures.
- NX
- The module is not executable.
- OL
- The module is loadable.
- SC
- The module is scatter format.
- TS
- The module has test attribute.
- The TTR of the first block of text.
For PDSEs the TTR field is a token that simulates the track and record location of the member, also known as Member Locator Token (MLT).
- Entry point address associated with the member name or alias name.
- SSI information word.
- Lvl
- The member level.
- Stat
- The member status (such as T-TEST, P-PROD and so on).
- User
- User code.
- Accessed
- Last access date.
- Changed
- Last changed date.
- Size
- Number of statements.
- Blks
- Number of blocks.
Available commands
The following primary commands are available:
- BOTTOM primary command
- DOWN primary command
- FIND/FX primary command
- HEX primary command
- HISTORY primary command
- LEFT primary command
- LOCATE primary command
- REFRESH primary command
- RESET primary command
- RFIND primary command
- RIGHT primary command
- SORT primary command
- TAILOR primary command
- TOP primary command
- UP primary command
Parent panels
Child panels
- The display panel that would normally result from your starting Entry panel.