UNLOAD (table spaces)
This option corresponds to the UNLOAD TABLESPACE form of the UNLOAD utility control statement.
- Database name, or Table/index space name.
If you entered information in any of the preceding filter fields on the Db2® Utilities panel, the displayed rows are limited to the Db2® objects that match the information you specified.
UNLOAD Utility (Table Spaces) panel showing list of table spaces. shows an example of the UNLOAD Utility (Table Spaces) panel with a list of table spaces.
the Sel column. An asterisk (*) in the PRC column indicates
selected table spaces. Process Options Utilities Help
FM/Db2 (DFG2) UNLOAD Utility (Table Spaces) Row 1 to 4 of 4
S P Table Part'n
e R Database Space Range Number Number Allocation
l C Name Name One Two Part'n Tables Primary Secdry Space
S BILLDB1 ACT 2 3 1 1 3 3 48
BILLDB1 ACT 2 1 5 5 144
BILLDB1 ACT 3 1 3 3 144
BILLDB1 ACT 4 1 5 5 48
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If only a single row results from the filter values you entered, the row is marked as selected, and is shown with an asterisk (*) in the PRC field.
If you entered a table space name containing wildcards, the ISPF part of the UNLOAD Utility panel is initialized with one row for each of the table space names that match the input specification. Note that if you did not specify a database name on the Db2® utilities panel, or specified a generic name, the list may contain table spaces from more than one database.
To select a table spaces to copy, type an S
in the SEL field.
Selected table spaces have an asterisk (*) in the PRC field.
You can modify the UNLOAD utility statement by changing the value in the Part'n Range input field.
In UNLOAD Utility (Table Spaces) panel showing list of table spaces., the input shows that a range of partitions (from 2 to 3) is to be unloaded.
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── EDIT FMNUSER.SPFTEMP1.CNTL Columns 00001 00072 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** 000001 //FMNUSERB JOB (IBMGSA), 000002 // FMNUSER,MSGCLASS=A, 000003 // NOTIFY=FMNUSER,CLASS=A, 000004 // MSGLEVEL=(1,1) 000005 //* 000006 // JCLLIB ORDER=(DB2V810.DFA2.PROCLIB) 000007 //* 000008 //********************************************************************** 000009 //* 000010 //* FM/Db2 GENERATED JOB TO UNLOAD TABLESPACE 000011 //* 000012 //********************************************************************** 000013 //* 000014 //********************************************************************** 000015 //* STEP SETPARM: OVERRIDE ANY GLOBAL DATASET SIZING VALUES HERE 000016 //********************************************************************** 000017 //SETPARM SET ALLOC='TRK',PRI='1',SEC='1' 000018 //* 000019 //********************************************************************** 000020 //* STEP UNLOAD1: UNLOAD TABLESPACE DSN8D81A.DSN8S81D 000021 //********************************************************************** 000022 //UNLOAD1 EXEC DSNUPROC,SYSTEM=DFA2,UID='FMNUSER' 000023 //DSNUPROC.STEPLIB DD DSN=DB2V810.DFA2.SDSNEXIT,DISP=SHR 000024 // DD DSN=DB2.V810.SDSNLOAD,DISP=SHR 000025 //DSNUPROC.SYSREC00 DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), 000026 // UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(&ALLOC,(&PRI,&SEC),RLSE), 000027 // DSN=FMNUSER.DSN8D81A.DSN8S81D.D2581554.SYSREC 000028 //DSNUPROC.SYSPUNCH DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), UTIL CONTRL DATA 000029 // UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE), 000030 // DSN=FMNUSER.DSN8D81A.DSN8S81D.D2581554.SYSPUNCH 000031 //DSNUPROC.SYSIN DD * 000032 UNLOAD TABLESPACE DSN8D81A.DSN8S81D 000033 UNLDDN(SYSREC00) 000034 NOSUBS 000035 /* ****** **************************** Bottom of Data **************************** Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F6=Rchange F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
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