Table View panel

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)                     Table View                   42 rows fetched
 TABLE FMNUSER.EMP                                                  Format TABL
        #1     #2           #3      #4              #5       #6      #7
        CH(6)  VARCHAR(12)  CH(1)   VARCHAR(15)     CH(3)    CH(4)   DATE
        PU--+> <---+----1-> -       <---+----1----> n-N      n-->    n---+---->
 000000 ****  Top of data  ****
 000001 000010 CHRISTINE<   I       HAAS<           A00      3978    01.01.1965
 000002 000020 MICHAEL<     L       THOMPSON<       B01      3476    10.10.1973
 000003 000030 SALLY<       A       KWAN<           C01      4738    05.04.1975
 000004 000050 JOHN<        B       GEYER<          E01      6789    17.08.1949
 000005 000060 IRVING<      F       STERN<          D11      6423    14.09.1973
 000006 000070 EVA<         D       PULASKI<        D21      7831    30.09.1980
 000007 000090 EILEEN<      W       HENDERSON<      E11      5498    15.08.1970
 000008 000100 THEODORE<    Q       SPENSER<        E21      0972    19.06.1980
 000009 000110 VINCENZO<    G       LUCCHESI<       A00      3490    16.05.1958
 000010 000120 sean<                O'CONNELL<      A00      2167    05.12.1963
 000011 000130 DOLORES<     M       QUINTANA<       C01      4578    28.07.1971
 000012 000140 HEATHER<     A       NICHOLLS<       C01      1793    15.12.1976
 000013 000150 BRUCE<       A       ADAMSON<        D11      4510    12.12.1972
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=RChange
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Prefix area
In TABL format mode, you can enter the following commands in the prefix area of the data display:
Identifies the row after which data is to be moved or copied.
Identifies the row before which data is to be moved or copied.
Copy one row.
Copy n rows.
Copy block of rows. Mark start and end of block.
Delete one row.
Delete n rows.
Delete block of rows. Mark start and end of block.
Display a panel containing information about why a change to this row failed. The E command is only valid when a row is marked in error. Rows marked in error have =ERR, ERR R, or the SQLCODE in the prefix field.
Display the first row of a block of excluded rows.
Display the first n rows of a block of excluded rows.
Change the display format to SNGL and display the row.
Get the data stored on the clipboard. Rows saved on the clipboard with the S, Sn or SS prefix commands can only be retrieved from the clipboard with the G prefix command during the same Edit session. The clipboard is a temporary memory buffer that is cleared when you exit from the Db2® Edit function panel (and FM/Db2 returns you to the Primary Option Menu).
Insert one row. The row is initialized using the row description of the currently displayed row. For each column, if it has a default value (DEFAULT="value", and not just the DEFAULT keyword), then it is initialized to that value. Otherwise, the column is initialized according to its data type:
Character strings
Set to blanks
Set to zeros
Row identifier
Set to blanks
Set to the current date
Set to the current time
Set to the current date and time
Note: If a column of the inserted row can contain a null value, it is set to the null value and the null column display indicator is displayed in the displayed column.

For more information about setting the value of the null column display indicator, see View and Edit options (options 1 and 2).

Related tasks

Related references

Insert n empty rows.
Insert a primary key. In an Edit session of a related parent table only, insert a row with the key columns set to the key value that originally caused the error in the dependent table of the relationship.
Insert n primary keys. In an Edit session of a related parent table only, insert n rows with the key columns set to the key value that originally caused the error in the dependent table of the relationship. If you attempt to save the data, it results in duplicate key errors for the second and all subsequent inserted rows, as primary key values must be unique.
Display the last row of a block of excluded rows.
Display the last n rows of a block of excluded rows.
Convert all uppercase characters in a row to lowercase.
Note: The LC (LCn, LCC) command affects all characters in a row, not just characters in columns with a CHAR or VARCHAR data type. Therefore, numeric data, such as binary data or packed decimal data, can be corrupted when you use these commands.
Convert all uppercase characters in n rows to lowercase. (See note for LC.)
Convert all uppercase characters in a block of rows to lowercase. Mark start and end of block. (See note for LC.)
Move one row.
Move n rows.
Move block of rows. Mark start and end of the block.
Identifies the row preceding which data is to be moved or copied .
R or "
Repeat one row.
Rn or "n
Repeat n rows.
Edit a related table. You can use the RE prefix command to edit the related table when the row is marked with a error caused by a referential constraint.

You can only enter the RE prefix command against a row marked in error, where the rightmost position of the prefix area contains an R. RE starts another FM/Db2 dependent edit session, in a new ISPF logical session. The new (dependent) FM/Db2 Edit session is for the related table in the relationship that caused the referential constraint error. For more details, see Editing related tables.

Note: When you use the RE prefix command for a row whose prefix area contains =ERR R, take care to avoid the editor interpreting the RE command as an R prefix command instead by ensuring the RE is followed by one or more blanks).

The RE command lets you quickly identify and resolve referential constraint errors. After you use the RE command to edit a related table, you cannot save data until you end the dependent Edit session of the related table.

This restriction also applies to tables that are part of a larger referential structure. For example, say A, B and C are related tables and A and B are part of a relationship in which A is the parent table, and B and C are part of a relationship in which B is the parent table. If you edit table A, then use the RE command to edit related table B, then use the RE command in the Edit session of table B to edit table C, it would result in 3 FM/Db2 Edit sessions. The Edit sessions for tables B and C are both dependent edit sessions of the Edit session for table A. You cannot save data in the Edit session for table A until you end the Edit sessions for tables B and C.

RR or ""
Repeat block of rows. Mark start and end of the block.
RRn or ""n
Repeat block of rows n times. Mark start and end of block.
Save row on clipboard. The clipboard is a temporary memory buffer that is cleared when you exit from the Db2® Edit function panel (and FM/Db2 returns you to the Primary Option Menu).
Save n rows on the clipboard.
Save blocks of rows on the clipboard. Mark start and end of block.
Convert all lowercase characters in a row to uppercase.
Note: The UC (UCn, UCC) command affects all characters in a row, not just characters in columns with a CHAR or VARCHAR data type. Therefore, numeric data, such as binary data or packed decimal data, can be corrupted when you use these commands.
Convert all lowercase characters in n rows to uppercase. (See note for UC.)
Convert all lowercase characters in a block of rows to uppercase. Mark start and end of block. (See note for UC.)
Exclude row from display. If the display of excluded row shadow lines is enabled (see SHADOW primary command), a shadow line is shown indicating how many rows are being excluded at this position. To display an excluded row, use the F or LA prefix command.
Exclude n rows from display. If the display of excluded row shadow lines is enabled (see SHADOW primary command), a shadow line is shown indicating how many rows are being excluded at this position.
Exclude block of rows from display. Mark start and end of block. If the display of excluded row shadow lines is enabled (see SHADOW primary command), a shadow line is shown indicating how many rows are being excluded at this position.
Label a row. The label, xxxx, is a string of 1 to 4 alphabetic characters, that does not start with the character Z (labels starting with Z are system labels). Labels can be assigned to any row. Labels cannot be assigned to shadow lines.

Parent panels

Child panels


Related tasks