Editor Options (4 of 8) panel

You use the Editor Options (4 of 8) panel to set your default editor options.

Note: See the description for the Editor Options (1 of 8) panel (Editor Options (1 of 8) panel) about how long any changes you make to these options last.

Panel and field definitions

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFG2)              Editor Options (4 of 8)             Global Settings

 Primary and Foreign Keys, Indexes:
    Enter "/" to select option
    /  Allow updates to primary key
    /  Show primary key
    /  Show foreign key
    /  Show index indicators
    /  Show nullable column indicators

 Export Command:
    Enter "/" to select option
       Show export options

 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap
 F10=PrvPage  F12=Cancel
Allow updates to primary key
Indicates if you can edit the primary key information. The default is selected.
Changes to primary key information allowed.
Changes to primary key information not allowed.
Show primary key
Indicates if you want FM/Db2 to display primary key information. The default is selected.
Include information showing the columns that comprise the primary key for the table.

In table display format, FM/Db2 shows the primary key information only if you have also specified that the scale line is to be displayed (see Show scale line in Editor Options (3 of 8) panel). The scale line shows a P in the first position of each column that forms part of the table's primary key.

In single display format, if the Show keys, indexes option is selected (see Show keys, indexes in Editor Options (3 of 8) panel), FM/Db2 displays an additional column, immediately to the left of the Column name column (and immediately to the right of the Column number column, if displayed). This column is 4 characters wide. The presence of a P in the first position of the column indicates that the column is part of the table's primary key.

Do not include information showing the columns that comprise the primary key for the table.
Show foreign key
Indicates if you want FM/Db2 to display foreign key information. The default is selected.
Include information showing the columns that are part of a foreign key.

In table display format, FM/Db2 shows the foreign key information only if you have also specified that the scale line is to be displayed (see Editor Options (3 of 8) panel). The scale line shows an F in the fourth position of each column that forms part of a foreign key.

In single display format, if the Show keys, indexes option is selected (see Editor Options (3 of 8) panel), FM/Db2 displays an additional column, immediately to the left of the Column name column (and immediately to the right of the Column number column, if displayed). This column is 4 characters wide. The presence of an F in the fourth position of the column indicates that the column is part of a foreign key.

Do not include information showing the columns that are part of a foreign key.
  1. For tables with multiple foreign keys defined, the indicator character cannot be used to distinguish between columns that are part of the same foreign key or part of different foreign keys.
  2. The foreign key information is only displayed if it is stored in the template. If the Retrieve foreign key information when building templates system option was not selected when the template for the object was built, no foreign key indicators are displayed.
Show index indicators
Indicates if you want FM/Db2 to display index information. The default is selected.
Include information showing the columns that are part of an index.

The INCLUDE option of the CREATE INDEX command can be used to append columns to the set of index key columns of a unique index. Such columns form part of the unique index but are not part of the unique index key.

In table display format, FM/Db2 shows the index information only if you have also specified that the scale line is to be displayed (see Editor Options (3 of 8) panel).
  • In the second position of the scale line, a U is displayed for each column that forms part of a unique index and part of the unique index key.
  • In the second position of the scale line, an I is displayed for each column that forms part of a unique index, but is not part of the unique key.
  • In the third position of the scale line, an N is displayed for each column that forms part of a non-unique index.
See Table Edit panel.
In single display format, if the Show keys, indexes option is selected (see Editor Options (3 of 8) panel), FM/Db2 displays an additional column, immediately to the left of the Column name column (and immediately to the right of the Column number column, if displayed). This column is 4 characters wide.
  • In the second position of this column, a U is displayed for each column that forms part of a unique index and part of the unique index key.
  • In the second position of this column, an I is displayed for each column that forms part of a unique index, but is not part of the unique key.
  • In the third position of this column, an N is displayed for each column that forms part of a non-unique index.
Do not include information showing the columns that are part of an index.
Note: For tables with multiple foreign keys defined, the indicator character cannot be used to distinguish between columns that are part of the same index or part of different indexes.
Show nullable column indicators
Indicates if you want FM/Db2 to display nullable status for each column. The default is not selected.
Include information showing the columns can contain NULL values.

In table display format, FM/Db2 shows the nullable column information only if you have also specified that the scale line is to be displayed (see Editor Options (3 of 8) panel).

In the first position of the scale line, an n is displayed for each column that allows NULL values.

Do not include information showing the columns are nullable.
Note: When the column is part of the primary key of the table, the first position will contain a P showing the column belongs to PRIMARY KEY. In this situation, the column will always be not nullable.
Show export options
The EXPORT primary command can be issued in a File Manager/Db2 editor session to export data to a external file. Issuing the EXPORT command can optionally display the first of the export options panels, where you can specify the data format for the export operation. The default is not selected.
The EXPORT primary command dialog displays the first of the export options panels.
The EXPORT primary command dialog does not display the first of the export options panels.

Parent panels

You can go to the Editor Options (1 of 8) panel from the parent panels shown below. To go to the Editor Options (4 of 8) panel, you then press the NxtPage function key (F11) three times.

You can only display the Editor Options (4 of 8) panel if the Key, index and export options option on the Editor Options (1 of 8) panel is selected.

Child panels

To display this panel… Use/do this
Editor Options (3 of 8) panel Press the PrvPage function key (F10)
Editor Options (5 of 8) panel Press the NxtPage function key (F11)

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