Populating File Manager Base function with more than one resource or data set name

The common File Manager Base function has one or two primary data sets, and one or two templates depending on the function. You can define a reference member or any member to provide data sets names in the following format:

DSN1(Member) Template1(member) DSN2(Member) Template2(Member)

These are four data sets names with optional member names. Use a dash (-) as a place holder where a data set name is not provided. The data set names and member names can be generic.


Edit a reference member with the following data sets:

Place the cursor on FMN.FROM.PANELS anywhere in the data set name and press F4.

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 ─ ┌──────────── FMN.FROM.PANELS ────────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 E │  File Manager                           │ 0            Columns 00001 00072 
 C │  Edit/View   Utility    Template        │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ ─────────────────────────────────────   │ ta ******************************
 = │ Command ===>                            │ able until you change            
 = │                                         │ ommand RECOVERY ON.              
 0 │ 1  View     View resource               │                                  
 0 │ 2  Edit     Edit resource               │                                  
 * │ 3  Select   List Parmlib Proclib        │ Data ****************************
   │ 4  Dslist   ISPF data set list          │                                  
   │ 5  Search   Nested search               │                                  
   │ 6  All      Show all occurrences        │                                  
   │ 7  First    Find first occurrence       │                                  
   │ 8  Prev     Find previous occurrence    │                                  
   │ 9  Next     Find next occurrence        │                                  
   │ 10 Last     Find last occurrence        │                                  
   │ 11 Rsearch  Search the resource         │                                  
 0 │ 12 PDSE2    Workbench                   │ 
 0 │ 13 Change   Change data set attributes  │ 
 0 │ 14 Load     List / Date   Duplicates    │ 
   │                                         │                                  

Place your cursor on Utility and press Enter.

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 ─ ┌──────────── FMN.FROM.PANELS ────────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 E │  File Manager                           │ 0            Columns 00001 00072 
 C │  Edit/View   Utility    Template        │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ ────────── ┌───────────────────────────┐  ta ******************************
 = │ Command == │    1. Create              │  able until you change            
 = │            │    2. Print               │  ommand RECOVERY ON.              
 0 │ 1  View    │    3. Copy                │                                   
 0 │ 2  Edit    │    4. Catalog service     │                                   
 * │ 3  Select  │    5. Find/change         │  Data ****************************
   │ 4  Dslist  │    6. Compare             │                                   
   │ 5  Search  │    7. Load module browse  │                                   
   │ 6  All     │    8. Load module compare │                                   
   │ 7  First   │    9. Exit                │                                   
   │ 8  Prev    └───────────────────────────┘                                   
   │ 9  Next     Find next occurrence        │                                  
   │ 10 Last     Find last occurrence        │                                  
   │ 11 Rsearch  Search the resource         │                                  
 0 │ 12 PDSE2    Workbench                   │ 
 0 │ 13 Change   Change data set attributes  │ 
 0 │ 14 Load     List / Date   Duplicates    │ 
   │                                         │                                  

Select option 3 or place your cursor on COPY and press Enter.

  Process   Options   Help                                                      
 File Manager                     Copy Utility                                  
 Command ===>                                                                     
                                                                    More:     + 
 From Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:                    
    Data set/path name  . . 'FMN.FROM.PANELS'                               +   
    Member  . . . . . . . .            (Blank or pattern for member list)       
    Volume serial . . . . .            (If not cataloged)                       
    Start key . . . . . . .                                key or slot          
    Skip count  . . . . . .            Include            Repeat skip           
    Copy count  . . . . . . ALL        number of records to be copied           
 From Copybook or Template:                                                     
    Data set name . . . . .                                                     
    Member  . . . . . . . .              (Blank or pattern for member list)     
 Processing Options:                                                            
    Copybook/template    Enter "/" to select option                             
    2  1. Above            Batch execution           Advanced member selection 
       2. None             Use proc *              /  Skip member name list     
       3. Create dynamic   Ignore length mismatch    REXX member selection: D  
       Edit template       JCL Source format         Directory integrity       
       Type (1,2,S)        MQ Include descriptor     Report PDS record counts  
       Export mode         MQ Get destructive        Binary mode, reclen       

Press Enter:

  Process   Options   Help                                                      
 Copy from File Manager.FROM.PANELS                                                      
 Command ===>                                                                   
 To Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:                      
    Data set/path name  . . 'FMN.TO.PANELS'                                 +   
    Member name (or mask) .              (Blank or pattern for member list)     
    Volume serial . . . . .              (If not cataloged)                     
 Processing Options:                                                            
    Disposition             Execution "/" options          ISPF Packing         
    1  1. Old or Reuse      /  Replace members             4  1. Asis           
       2. Mod                  Binary mode, reclen            2. Pack           
    Stats Option                                              3. Unpack         
    1  1. Off                                                 4. None           
       2. Force                                               5. Skip           

The from and to panels were populated according to the specification in the member.