Using F4 from the command line

When in a view session and the cursor is positioned on the command line, you can enter F4 to display the selection menu as follows:

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 ─ ┌────────── List and Search Options ──────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 E │ Command ===>                            │              Columns 00001 00072 
 C │                                         │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ 1  Dslist   Data set list               │ ta ******************************
 = │ 2  UDlist   Unix File directory list    │ in the following format:         
 = │ 3  Search   Search data sets            │ put_template                     
 = │ 4  Change   Change data sets            │
 = │ 5  Load     List   Date   Duplicates    │                              
 = │                                         │ th name                          
 = └─────────────────────────────────────────┘ ify - to bypass)                 
 =NOTE=   Output_dsn     : Output data set or path name                         
 =NOTE=   Output_template: Output template                                      
 =NOTE= Search only applies to the first data set name on each line.            
 000001 FMN.DEMO01.EXEC         ! Miscellaneous REXX execs for various tools    
 000002 FMN.DEMO01.MSGS         ! Messages  used by REXX execs                  
 000003 FMN.DEMO01.PANELS       ! Panels    used by REXX execs                  
 000004 FMN.DEMO01.SKELS        ! Skeletons used by REXX execs                  
 000005 FMN.DEMOGSE.NEWDSN      ! New data set to demonstrate allocate          
 000006 FMN.DEMOGSE.CNTL        ! JCL demo variable substitution                
 000007 FMN.DEMOGSE.COBOL                                                       
 000008 FMN.DEMOGSE.JCLLIB                                                      
 000009 FMN.DEMOGSE.LOAD                                                        
 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

The selection window is displayed with options that can be selected by number or cursor position and then Enter. The command descriptions are as follows:

1 Dslist

Produce an ISPF data set list for up to 30 data set names referenced in the current view or edit session.

The data set names are determined from the non-excluded lines starting at the current position as follows:
  • JCL Keywords DSN= , JCLLIB and File Manager data set name keywords for $$FILEM statements are used.
  • Search Reports All the search data set names listed on the report.
  • If the above conditions are not met, then the first word of each line will be examined. If it contains a cataloged or generic data set name, then it is added to the list.
2 UDlist

Produce a UNIX directory list for up to 30 path or file names referenced in the current view or edit session.

The data set names are determined from the non-excluded lines starting at the current position as follows:
  • JCL Keyword PATH= are used.
  • Search Reports All the search file names listed on the report.
  • If the above conditions are not met, then the first word of each line is examined. If it contains a path or file name, then it is added to the list.
If the above conditions are not met, then the first word of each line is examined. If it contains a path or file name, then it will be added to the list.
3 Search

This displays the Enhanced Search Command panel with the DSNs field populated with all the data set, path or file names found in the view or edit session starting at the current position.

4 Change

This displays the Enhanced Change Command panel with the DSNs field populated with all the data set, path or file names found in the view or edit session starting at the current position.

5 Load
Invoke the view load module member list for all the load libraries found in the view or edit session starting at the current position.
Enter / to include the load module link date and time on the member list.
Note: Selecting this option will result in slow performance for the member list display.
Enter / to include duplicate member names when the member list is for more than one library.