F4 edit macro hot spots

To bypass the menu panel displayed by the F4 edit macro, a value can be entered either on the command line or assigned to a function key using the ISPF editor KEYS command.

For LIBDEF invocation, the format is:
For example: FMNELIBD KEY 2, invokes the edit function directly.
For non-LIBDEF invocation, the format is:
For example, FMNSRCHK 2, invokes the edit function directly.
To bypass the menu using a command-line value:
Type 2 on the command line and press F4 with the cursor positioned on a data set name to edit a data set directly.
The Report View Options panel is displayed when the function key is used with the cursor on the command line of an enhanced search or indexed search report.
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 ─ ┌────────── Report View Options ──────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 V │ Command ===>                            │ ROCLIB           Col 00001 00072 
 C │                                         │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ 1  SUM      Only data sets/members      │ ta ******************************
 0 │ 2  DS       Only data sets              │                                  
 0 │ 3  RES      Original report             │ 
 0 │ 4  Dslist   Data set list               │
 0 │ 5  UDlist   Unix File directory list    │  
 0 │ 6  Search   Search data sets            │
 0 │ 7  Change   Change data sets            │                                
 0 │                                         │                                  
 0 │                                         │                                  
 0 └─────────────────────────────────────────┘                                  
Table 1. Report View Options hot spots
Option Value
1 SUM 1
2 DS 2
3 RES 3
4 DsList 4
5 UDlist 5
6 Search 6
7 Change 7
The enhanced search string selection menu is displayed when the cursor is positioned in the data area, in either a view or edit session, or on a data set name in an enhanced or indexed search report.
   ┌──────── SYS1.PROCLIB.FMD3.USER ─────────┐ Compilers  Test  Help            
 ─ │  File Manager                           │ ─────────────────────────────────
 V │  Edit/View   Utility    Template        │ ROCLIB           Col 00001 00072 
 C │ ─────────────────────────────────────   │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ Command ===>                            │ ta ******************************
 0 │                                         │                                  
 0 │ 1  View     View resource               │                                  
 0 │ 2  Edit     Edit resource               │                                  
 0 │ 3  Select   List Parmlib Proclib        │                                  
 0 │ 4  Dslist   ISPF data set list          │                                  
 0 │ 5  Search   Nested search               │                                  
 0 │ 6  All      Show all occurrences        │                                  
 0 │ 7  First    Find first occurrence       │                                  
 0 │ 8  Prev     Find previous occurrence    │                                  
 0 │ 9  Next     Find next occurrence        │                                  
 0 │ 10 Last     Find last occurrence        │                                  
 0 │ 11 Rsearch  Search the resource         │                                  
 0 │ 12 PDSE2    Workbench                   │                                  
 0 │ 13 Change   Change data set attributes  │                                  
 0 │ 14 Load     List / Date   Duplicates    │                                  
 0 │                                         │                                  
 0 │                                         │                                  
 0 │                                         │ ---------------------------------
 0 └─────────────────────────────────────────┘                                  
The Primary Options menu panel can be bypassed by providing one of the following values on either the command line or using a function key definition.
Table 2. F4 string selection menu
Option Value
1 View View resource 1
2 Edit Edit resource 2
3 SELect List Parmlib Proclib 3
4 Dslist ISPF data set list 4
5 Search Nested search 5
6 ALL Show all occurrences 6
7 FIRST Find first occurrence 7
8 PREV Find previous occurrence 8
9 NEXT Find next occurrence 9
10 LAST Find last occurrence 10
11 Rsearch Search the resource 11
12 PDSE2 Workbench 12
13 Create Allocate data set 13
14 Load List Date and Duplicates 14
Table 3. Edit/View pull-down menu
Option Value
1. View FMDSV
2. Edit FMDSE
Table 4. Utility pull-down menu
Option Value
1. Create FMDSG
2. Print FMDSP
3. Copy FMDSC
4. Catalog service FMSCS
5. Find/Change FMFCH
6. Compare FMDSM
7. Load module browse FMVLM
8. Load module compare FMCLM
9. Enhanced change Change
Table 5. Template pull-down menu
Option Value
1. Print FMPBK
2. Edit FMTPED
3. Update FMTPUP
4. Import FMTPIMP
5. Export FMTPEXP
6. List FMPWT