Using F4 for enhanced search report filtering commands

When in a view session of the enhanced search report and your cursor is positioned on the command line, you can enter F4 to display the selection menu as follows:

   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 ─ ┌────────── Report View Options ──────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 V │ Command ===>                            │EFAULT            Col 00001 00072 
 C │                                         │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ 1  SUM      Only data sets/members      │ ta ******************************
 0 │ 2  DS       Only data sets              │ ---------------------------------
 0 │ 3  RES      Original report             │
 0 │ 4  Dslist   Data set list               │
 0 │ 5  UDlist   Unix File directory list    │
 0 │ 6  Search   Search data sets            │
 0 │ 7  Change   Change data sets            │
 0 │                                         │ 
 0 └─────────────────────────────────────────┘ 
 000010 >Data Set: FMN.PI46527.CNTL 
 000011  >Member : TEST2 
 000012        20  C ABC DEF
 000013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 000014 >Data Set: FMN.PI59696.CNTL 
 000015  >Member : TEST3
 000016        22  IF FLDI(1,'CU','ABCD'),
 000017        24  IF FLDI(1,'CU','ABCDE'), 
 000018        26  IF FLDI(1,'CU','ABCDEF'),  
 000019        36  IF FLDO(1,'CU','ABCD'),

The options can be selected by number or placing your cursor on the value SUM, DS or RES and hitting enter. If you have a 3270 emulator session where you can set a double click to enter then you can double click on the value to drive the command.

The command descriptions are as follows:

1 Sum
This will show data set, member, path and file name lines only.
2 DS
This will show data set and path lines only.
This will reset to the original search report highlighting.
4 Dslist
Produces an ISPF data set list for up to 30 search data set names listed on the report.
5 UDlist
Produce a UNIX directory list for up to 30 path or file names listed on the report.
6 Search
This displays the Enhanced Search Command panel with the DSNs field populated with all the data set, path, or file names listed on the report.
7 Change
This displays the Enhanced Change Command panel with the DSNs field populated with all the data set, path, or file names listed on the report.