ADFz Common Components server configuration

The default name of the ADFzCC server is IPVSRV1. You can change this name to suit your site's requirements.

You must provide and configure the server options in a data set specified on the CONFIG DD statement in the server procedure (IPVSRV1). The data set defined, or concatenated, to this DD statement must be sequential, or a member from a PDS or PDSE.

Sample configuration data is provided in the FMN.SFMNSAM1 member FMNSAMCS. The sample configuration data needs customizing to your environment.

The File Manager sample IPV configuration member FMNSAMCS specifies SPAWN_PROGRAM=FMNCSEP. This program allows File Manager to run authorized and ensures that FM/CICS and the File Manager Eclipse plug-in can:
  • Perform auditing
  • Access tapes
  • Use remote services

High level qualifiers for both File Manager and the ADFzCC server should be adjusted according to your site installation details. To simplify the creation of this configuration data, a sample REXX exec is supplied in the FMN.SFMNEXEC library, called FMNCSTCS. Running this exec from TSO prompts for the various data set names required, and produces a usable configuration for the ADFzCC server .

Refer to the ADFz Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide for any additional customization which may be required.