Providing a multicultural version of FMN0MENU

FMN0MENU contains the assembler source for the messages. To provide translated versions of the messages:

  1. Copy the member FMN0MENU from FMN.SFMNSAM1 to your own source library with the name FMN0Myyy, where yyy is the same language code that you specified to change your print and display translation tables. (See step 4.a above.)
  2. Change the message text in FMN0Myyy in your library.
  3. Modify the FMNUMODM member in FMN.SFMNSAM1 to meet your site's requirements, using the same language code as above. Refer to the usermod for information about other changes you might need to make.
  4. Install SMP/E usermod FMNUMODM.