Customizing the batch procedure

Customizing the batch procedure is only required if you have specified START=BATCH in the FMN3POPT module or you plan to use the START=BATCH invocation option on the FMN transaction.

The batch procedure, FMN3CICB, is required to run the FM/CICS batch job. You will need to customize FMN3CICB before you can use it. You do this as follows:

  1. Copy the member FMN3CICB from FMN.SFMNSAM1 into your own procedure library.
  2. Modify FMN3CICB in your library.
    • Change #fmnhlq to the high level qualifier for the File Manager target libraries.
    • Change #ipvhlq to the high level qualifier for the ADFzCC target libraries. ADFzCC is required for the operation of FM/CICS. Information about installing ADFzCC is included in the File Manager Program Directory.
    • If the name of the TCP/IP address space is not the default value of 'TCPIP', uncomment the SYSTCPD DD statement and change #tcpparms to the data set and member name that contains the appropriate TCPIPJOBNAME parameter.
    • If you plan to access WebSphere® MQ queues from FM/CICS, uncomment the three MQ target library statements in the STEPLIB concatenation and change #mqhlq to the high level qualifier of your MQ libraries. The required MQ libraries are: SCSQAUTH, SCSQANLE, and SCSQLOAD.
    • If you plan to access FM/Db2 from FM/CICS and use the Db2® DSN command processor, uncomment the Db2® load library statement in the STEPLIB concatenation and change #db2hlq to the high level qualifier of your Db2® load library. The Db2® load library is: SDSNLOAD

      If you are using more than one version of Db2®, then specify the load library of the earliest version of Db2® you are using.

  1. The member name FMN3CICB is used on the *PROCNAME statement in FMN3PRFD, which you customize for the job FMN3INST. If you change the name of the member here, you must also change the name specified on the *PROCNAME statement to match when customizing FMN3INST. See Modifying and submitting FMN3INST and FMN3PRFD for information about FMN3PRFD and FMN3INST.
  2. For customization you can perform for ADFzCC, see Customizing the ADFzCC server.

Profile data sets

FMNPROF (#fm.profile.dsn) is used to populate the FM/CICS logon panel.

The data set specified on the *PROFILE statement in FMN3PRFD and in the FM/CICS logon panel is the ADFzCC profile data set used to store information about the FM/CICS session for the user (similar to an ISPF profile data set).