This option corresponds to the RECOVER TABLE SPACE form of the
RECOVER utility control statement.
If you did not specify the name of a LISTDEF on the Db2® Utilities panel:
The information displayed in the RECOVER Utility (Table Spaces)
panel includes one row for every matching entry found in the SYSCOPY
catalog table. The match is performed on database name and table space
name, and the type (Typ) of the entry must be either F (Full
image copy) or I (Partial image copy). Only cataloged image
copy data sets are supported. This means that there can be 0, 1, or
many entries for any table space name.
If you entered information in the Database name or Table/index
space name filter fields on the Db2® Utilities
panel, the displayed rows are limited to the Db2® objects that match the information you specified.
To select a table space from those displayed, type S in
the Sel column. An asterisk (*) in the PRC column indicates
selected table spaces.
If you did specify the name of a LISTDEF on the Db2® Utilities panel:
FM/Db2 displays an alternative form of the REBUILD Utility (Indexes)
panel showing the specified LISTDEF and a number of editable fields
that correspond to keywords in the RECOVER statement.