To remove part of a SELECT statement you have built using advanced
SELECT prototyping, use the Deselect function key (F4). The effect
of the Deselect function key depends on which fragment of the syntax
is currently active. For more information, see the description of
the DESELECT command.
Suppose that you want to remove the condition you added to the
SQL statement in the previous exercise (see Advanced: the completed statement (example 3)) that restricted the rows
shown to those with a part number greater than 12456. This means that
you need to remove the WHERE clause from the SELECT statement.
You can remove the WHERE clause by either of these methods:
Using the Deselect function key (F4):
Place the cursor on the WHERE clause in the generated SELECT statement.
Press Enter to select the WHERE clause. It changes to green, and
the syntax for the WHERE clause is redisplayed.
Place the cursor on the command line.
Press the Deselect function key (F4).
Returning to the prototyping panel that contains the where fragment
and deselecting it: