Extract Options panel
The Extract Options panel is displayed in the Extract dialog when either the Use key values or the Create extract template option is selected on the Extract Entry Panel.
On this panel, you specify:
- Whether or not you want to specify the key values of the root segments of the records that are to be extracted.
- When you are specifying key values, the name of the data set that contains the key values that you want the Extract to use.
- Whether or not you want a template for the Extract file.
- When you want a template for the Extract file:
- Whether you want it to be created by the Extract dialog or your Extract job.
- The data set in which you want the template stored.
- When you want the Extract dialog to create the template, whether you want to edit the template after it is created.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help
FM/IMS Extract Options
Database DJ1E
Key Values:
Data set name . . .
Member . . . . . .
Extract Template:
Data set name . . . 'JHELVON.TEMPLATE'
Member . . . . . . A05DEX
Processing Options:
Template create execution mode Enter "/" to select option
1 1. Foreground Use key values
2. Batch / Edit extract template
3. Skip
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- Key Values
- Data set name
- If you have selected the Use key values option,
specify the name of the data set that contains the key values of
the root segments of the records that you want extracted.
Note: This field is ignored when the Use key values option is not selected.
- Member
- If you have selected the Use key values option and the key
values that you want the Extract to use are in a
PDS(E), specify the Key Values member name.
If you have selected the Use key values option and the key
values that you want the Extract to use are in a
sequential data set, blank out this field.
Note: This field is ignored when the Use key values option is not selected.
- Extract Template
- Data set name
- If you have selected "Foreground" or "Batch" for
Template create execution mode, specify the name of the data
set in which you want the Extract template stored.
Note: This field is ignored when you select "Skip" for Template create execution mode.
- Member
- If you have selected "Foreground" or "Batch" for
Template create execution mode and the Extract template data
set that you specified is a PDS(E), specify the
Extract template member.
If you select "Foreground" or "Batch" for Template create execution mode and the Extract template data set that you specified is a sequential data set, blank out this field.
Note: This field is ignored when you select "Skip" for the Template create execution mode.
- Template create execution mode
- 1. Foreground
- FM/IMS creates the template when you press Enter.
- 2. Batch
- The extract job creates the Extract template. FM/IMS generates the keywords that your Extract job requires to create the Extract template.
- 3. Skip
- Extract template is not created.
- Use key values
- If you select this option, the Extract uses the key values specified in the Key Values data set name and Member fields.
- Edit extract template
- Select this option if you have selected "Foreground" for
Template create execution mode and you want to
edit the Extract template.
FM/IMS displays the Record Type Selection panel where you can edit and then save the template.
Note: This field is ignored when you select "Batch" or "Skip" for Template create execution mode.