Batch Edit Options panel
You use this panel to specify:
- Whether you want the Batch Edit to run a cataloged REXX procedure or an instream REXX procedure.
- When running a cataloged REXX procedure:
- The name of the PDS(E) that contains the REXX procedure that you want the Batch Edit to run.
- The REXX procedure member name.
- Whether you want to edit the REXX procedure before the JCL is generated.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help
FM/IMS Batch Edit Options Panel
Database DJ1E
REXX Procedure:
Data set name . . .
Member . . . . . .
Processing Options:
Procedure type Enter "/" to select option
2 1. In-stream Edit procedure
2. Cataloged
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- Database
- The name of the database specified on the Batch Edit Entry panel.
- Data set name
- If you select "Cataloged" for Procedure type,
specify the name of the PDS(E) that contains the REXX procedure that
you want the Batch Edit to run.
Note: This field is ignored when you select "In-stream" for Procedure type.
- Member
- If you select Cataloged for the Procedure type, specify the REXX procedure
member name.
Note: This field is ignored when you select "In-stream" for Procedure type.
- Procedure type
- Determines whether the Batch Edit is to run an in-stream procedure
or a cataloged procedure:
- 1. In-stream
- If you select this option, you must add the in-stream REXX procedure to the generated JCL. You should insert the REXX procedure immediately after the $$FILEM PROC=* statement.
- 2. Cataloged
- The Batch Edit executes the procedure specified in the REXX procedure data set name and member fields.
- Edit procedure
- Select this option, if you selected "Cataloged"
for Procedure type and you
want to edit the procedure before the JCL is generated.
Note: This field is ignored when you select "In-stream" for Procedure type.