Update sample IPVCONFG

The CONFIG ddname in the ADFzCC server JCL procedure provides parameters that can be used to configure the ADFzCC server on startup. A sample configuration member is provided in IPV.SIPVSAM1(IPVCONFG), and the member can be customized as required.

The File Manager configuration in the sample configuration member specifies parameter SPAWN_PROGRAM=FMNCSEP. This program allows File Manager to run authorized and ensures that the File Manager plug-in can:
  • Perform auditing
  • Access tapes
  • Use remote services

For more information on setting up IPV server to allow the use of File Manager for z/OS® , see the section about the File Manager for z/OS® plug-in for Eclipse in the File Manager for z/OS® Customization Guide.

Update the sample configuration member to suit your site, according to the comments in that member. In general terms, review the following items in the config file:

  • Alter ddname=SYSOUT=H to suitable classes for your site. For example, for tracing activity, the CONFIG=DEFAULT section contains a SPAWN_DD=IPVTRACE=SYSOUT=H card that other configurations inherit and write trace output (if activated) to. Adjust this class to a class suitable for your site.
  • Alter SPAWN_STEPLIB data set names to the installation high-level qualifiers for the relevant libraries. The SPAWN_STEPLIB statement is not required if all of the libraries are already in the linklist for your site.
  • If a configuration makes use of the SPAWN_JOBNAME statement, then all address spaces that are launched for that connection type run with that specified jobname (the owner of each job reflects the user that is logged in).
  • Do not alter CONFIG=name and SPAWN_PROGRAM=name values unless otherwise detailed in the participating product's documentation.

The configuration file supports the setting and reference of substitution variables in the following form:


For setting these variables, specify the above form before the first CONFIG statement, or between the CONFIG and SPAWN_PARMS_SECTION statements. If using concatenations for the CONFIG DD, the first CONFIG refers to the statements in the first of the concatenations.

In following statements in the configuration, occurrences of '$VAR' are replaced by the 'value' specified. This could be used to represent high level qualifiers that are repeated in the configuration file. For example, set the value:


Then allow a reference in a following statement, such as:


The sample IPVCONFG makes use of this for high level qualifiers but it could also be used for other substitutions as desired.