HCL OneTest UI Script Explorer

The HCL OneTest UI Script Explorer lists the script helper, helper superclass or helper base class, test dataset, verification points, and test objects for the current script.

In HCL OneTest UI, Eclipse Integration, the Script Explorer is the right pane of the Functional Test perspective. In HCL OneTest UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, the Script Explorer is the left pane of the VB.NET window.

Note: If you want to simplify the Visual Studio .NET user interface, you can click the My Profile tab on the Start page, select Student Window Layout in the Window Layout list, and select (no filter) in the Help Filter list. The Solution Explorer and Dynamic Help display on the left side and the Script Explorer displays on the right side of the Visual Studio .NET window.

The Verification Points folder Verification Points folder contains all the verification points recorded for the script.

Double-clicking a verification point a verification point opens the Verification Point Editor.

The Test Objects folder Test Objects folder contains a list of the test objects available for the script. Each test object in the list is preceded by an icon that indicates its role.

Double-clicking the test object map icon test object map icon opens the test object map.

Right-clicking a verification point, test object map, or test asset listed in the Script Explorer displays various menu options, listed here in alphabetical order.

Associate with dataset -- Associates a script with one or more datasets.

Change Superclass/Base Class -- For HCL OneTest UI, Eclipse Integration, displays the Select helper superclass dialog box, which enables you to change the helper superclass for a script. For HCL OneTest UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, displays the Select a Script Helper Base Class dialog box, which enables you to change the helper base class for a script.

Delete -- Removes the selected verification point, test object, or test dataset from the Script Explorer and inserts a problem marker in the Code Editor to indicate if the deleted verification point, test object, or test dataset is used.

Export -- Exports a dataset to a .csv file.

Highlight -- Highlights the selected object in the application-under-test if it is running. For information, see Locating a Test Object in the Application.

Insert at Cursor -- Inserts the selected verification point or test object into the script at the cursor location.

Insert Test Object -- Opens the Select an Object dialog box, which enables you to select a test object to add to the test object map and the script.

Insert Verification Point -- Opens the Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard, which enables you to select an object in your application to test.

Interface Summary -- Opens a Help topic that describes the selected test object, including the supported test data types and the default recognition properties.

Open -- If a verification point is selected, opens the Verification Point Editor. If a test object is selected, opens the test object map and highlights the selected object. If a test dataset is selected, displays the dataset editor.

Remove dataset Association -- Removes a private or public dataset association with a test script.

Rename -- In HCL OneTest UI, Eclipse Integration, opens the Rename dialog box. In HCL OneTest UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, highlights the name, which enables you to type the new name.

To open: In HCL OneTest UI, Eclipse Integration, the Script Explorer opens (by default) in the Functional Test Perspective. In HCL OneTest UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, the Script Explorer opens (by default) in the Visual Studio .NET window.

Related Topics:

HCL OneTest UI, Eclipse Integration -- About the Functional Test Perspective