Select Items to Export page

You use the Select Items to Export page of the Export wizard to choose the project items such as scripts, test object maps, Java files or Visual Basic files, and datasets that you want to export to another Functional Test project.

Select items to export -- Lists all scripts and associated files, test object maps, datasets, and Java files or Visual Basic files. Select the check boxes of the items you want to export and clear those you do not want to export.

When you export a script, HCL OneTest UI includes any necessary files, such as shared test object maps, even though they are not checked in the Select items to export field.

If you use ClearCase®, you do not need to check out the files before exporting. HCL OneTest UI does this when importing.

Specify the export destination -- Enter the name or navigate to the data transfer file, which is the file you want to use to export the project items you have selected. If the file does not exist, HCL OneTest UI creates it using the name you enter and appends a .rftjdtr extension.

Finish -- Compresses a copy of the files into a data transfer file with the name you specified and appends .rftjdtr extension.

To open: Select the project in the Project view, click File > Export, select Functional Test Project Items and click Next.