dataset Literal Substitution dialog box

You can use the dataset Literal Substitution dialog box to find or replace literal values in a test script with a dataset reference (an associated dataset). You can set the options in this dialog box to find and replace all, number, string, or boolean literals in a script with a dataset reference.

You can also add a literal from a script to a dataset. If you do not use an existing dataset variable, HCL OneTest UI uses the same literal values (the values that HCL OneTest UI captured when you recorded the test script) each time you run the script.

Displays the name of a selected literal in a script.
dataset Variable
Type the name of the dataset variable with which you want to replace a literal or click the dataset Variable arrow to select the existing dataset variable that you want the script to reference. The default type for a new dataset column is string. You can change the variable type later.
Select the direction that you want to move through a script. This setting works with theLiteral Type setting. Click Find or Replace to move either forward or backward through a script starting from the insertion point of your cursor.
Click to move forward to the next literal in the script from the insertion point.
Click to move backward to the next literal in the script from the insertion point.
Literal Type
Click to set the type of literal that you want to find; either all, number, string, or boolean literals in a script. A literal is a letter or symbol that stands for itself as opposed to a feature, function, or entity associated with the literal in a programming language: $ can be a symbol that refers to the end of a line, but as a literal, it is a dollar sign. The Literal Type setting works with the Direction setting. Click Find or Replace to move to the next type of literal through a script starting from the insertion point of your cursor.
Click to find all literals in a script.
Click to find number literals in a script. A number includes integers (a whole number, not a fractional number, that can be positive, negative, or zero) or floating numbers (positive and negative decimal numbers).
Click to find string literals in a script. A string stores alphanumeric values such as name, city, or state.
Click to find boolean literals in a script. Any use of the boolean literals true or false are flagged for substitution.
Add Literal to dataset
Click to add a selected literal to a dataset variable when you click Replace. The selected literal is added to the dataset in the variable that you specify in dataset Variable. A dataset reference replaces the selected literal when you click Replace.
Click to find the next literal in a script. The Find setting works with the Direction and Literal Type settings.
Click to replace the selected literal with a dataset reference. The dataset reference is made to the dataset variable you specify in dataset Variable. When you click Add literal to dataset, HCL OneTest UI adds a selected literal to the dataset variable you specify in dataset Variable. Automatically moves to the next literal in the test script after replacing a literal. The Replace setting works with the Direction and Literal Type settings.
Click to close the dialog box without finding a literal or replacing a literal with a dataset reference.

To open: Click Script > Find Literals and Replace with dataset Reference.