Web browsers tab of the Enable Environments dialog box

This dialog is opened by clicking Configure > Enable Environments for Testing from HCL OneTest UI. The Web Browsers tab is used to enable your browsers and to add and configure browsers. Information about enabling browsers is presented first. Information about adding and configuring browsers is presented below that.

For enabling web browsers:

The HCL OneTest UI HTML enabler is the Web Browsers tab of the Enable Environments dialog box. The HTML enabler must be run before you can use HCL OneTest UI to test HTML applications. It enables HTML applications running in that browser to be tested by HCL OneTest UI. On Windows® systems, the enabler looks in the registry to discover any installed browsers. On UNIX®, the enabler scans your hard disk drive(s) looking for any installed browsers.

The first time you run HCL OneTest UI, it automatically enables Internet Explorer. If you have Mozilla Firefox, you must enable them using the Enable button. If you install a new browser and want to use that browser for testing, you must rerun the HTML enabler after you complete the installation of the browser. You can run the enabler any time from HCL OneTest UI by clicking Configure > Enable Environments for Testing. See Enabling Web Browsers.

Note that the first time you run HCL OneTest UI it automatically enables the JVM of your browser's Java plug-in so that HTML recording works properly. If you install a different JVM, you must rerun the enabler to enable it.

Web browsers list

Displays the list of browsers that the enabler locates on your hard disk drive(s). This list is populated when the enabler starts up. On Microsoft® Windows® platforms, the enabler uses the registry to locate browsers. Browsers are identified by the full path name to their installation directory. After the name, the enabler indicates in parentheses whether that browser is currently enabled.

Select All button

Use this to select all the browsers that are listed in the Web Browsers list. This is useful if you want to enable or disable all the browsers. To clear them all, click any of the individual browsers.

Search button

Click this button to have HCL OneTest UI search your hard disk drive(s) for web browsers. This opens the Search for Web Browsers dialog box. Choose one of the search options in that dialog and click the Search button. Note: You should not use the Search All option to find browsers on Linux® or UNIX® systems. Instead use the Search In option to locate the browser. See Enabling Web Browsers for information on the search options. When the search is complete, the Web Browsers list is populated with all found browsers. At least the first time you use HCL OneTest UI, use the Search button to locate all browsers on your system. After the initial search, it will list any browsers that were already enabled, plus any new ones it finds.

Add button

Click this button to locate browsers individually. It brings up the Add Browser dialog box to locate the browser. To select a browser, point to its installation directory. The browser you select will be added to the Web Browsers list. The main use of Add would be if the enabler failed to locate a browser automatically at start-up. You can also use the Search In option in the Search for Web Browsers dialog box to locate a browser.

Remove button

If you want to remove a browser from the Web Browsers list, select it and click Remove.

Set as Default button

Use this to choose which browser you want to be your default browser. Select the browser in the list, and click the button. That browser will then become the default, and will be indicated in parentheses after the name. You can change the default any time by coming back to this tab.

Enable button

Use this button to enable selected browser(s) for testing with HCL OneTest UI. Select the browser(s) to enable in the list, then click Enable. The modifications to the browser to enable it are done at this time. Once enabled, that will be indicated in parentheses after each browser's name in the list.

Disable button

Use this button to disable selected browser(s) for testing with HCL OneTest UI. Select the browser(s) to disable in the list, then click Disable. This undoes all the modifications made by Enable, and the enabled indicator will disappear after the name.

Test button

You can test that your browser is enabled properly by clicking the Test button. This opens the Browser Enablement Diagnostic Tool. If you suspect your browser is not enabled properly, run this tool and follow the instructions it gives to solve the problem.

  • To enable JREs for Java testing, click the Java Environments tab of the enabler and click the Help button, or see Enabling Java Environments.
  • If your browser is not enabled, you will be able to tell because the Record Monitor will be blank when you try to record against an HTML application. For this reason, leave the record monitor in view while recording. If you see this symptom, you need to run the enabler.

For adding and configuring web browsers:

The Web Browsers tab is also used to add and edit browser configurations. To edit the information on an existing browser, click the name of the browser in the Web Browsers list. To add a new browser, click the Search or Add button. Use the Set as Default button to set one of the browsers as your default browser. Whether editing or adding, make your changes, then click OK for the changes to be saved.

Web browsers list

Select the browser that you want to edit or view. Its information will then appear to the right of the list. The information fields are described below. If your browser is not in the list yet, click Search or Add to find and enter it.

The browser that has default listed after it in parentheses is the default browser. It will be used in all HTML testing unless you change this setting in the properties of a specific application.

Detailed Information for Browser

Contains the following fields:

Name -- This is the logical name of your browser. It may be used in a script by a startBrowser command or by an HTML application in the Application Configuration Tool. HCL OneTest UI defaults this from the end of your path. You can edit this name.

Kind -- This is a read-only field. HCL OneTest UI will fill it in based on which browser you select.

Path -- This is the full path to the root of the browser installation.

Command -- This is the browser's executable name. For example: "mozilla" or "iexplore."

Search button

Click Search to add all your browsers into the Web Browsers list. This opens the Search for Web Browsers dialog box. Choose one of the search options in that dialog and click the Search button. Note: You should not use the Search All option to find browsers on Linux® or UNIX® systems. Instead use the Search In option to locate the browser. See Enabling Web Browsers for information on the search options. HCL OneTest UI will enter all the detailed information on each browser.

Add button

Click Add to manually locate a new browser to add to the list. The Add Browser dialog appears. Browse to the executable file of the browser you want to add. With the file selected, click the Add button. The browser will then show up in the list and you can edit its configuration information if necessary. Note: it may be quicker to use the Search button and let HCL OneTest UI find and enter your browsers.

Set as Default button

Use this to choose which browser you want to be your default browser when HCL OneTest UI starts up HTML applications. Select the browser in the list, and click the button. That browser will then become the default, and will be indicated in parentheses after the name. You can change the default any time by coming back to this tab.

Remove button

To remove a browser from the Web Browsers list, select it, then click Remove.

OK button

You must click OK when you are finished to save the additions or edits you made on this tab.

For more information, see Configuring Browsers for Testing.

Apply button

If you want to apply edits you make in this dialog box before you exit the dialog, click Apply . If you click Cancel, any changes you made before you clicked Apply will be saved, and changes made after will be canceled.