Set the Import options as shown in Import Options panel.
Enter '0.3.6' on the FM/Db2 main menu to access the "Import Options"
panel. Figure 1. Import Options panel
Process Options Utilities Help
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────FM/Db2 (DFF2) Import Options Global Settings
Command ===>
Import dataset:
Data format
1 1. FM/Db2 (SQLDA) format
2. Db2 UNLOAD format
3. DSNTIAUL format
4. User defined
Import Options:
Duplicate key processing Enter "/" to select option
1 1. Ignore / Delete existing rows
2. Update
Max duplicates ALL
Auto Commit (Changes):
Auto-commit count . 0
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
Return to the FM/Db2 main menu by pressing PF3. Select the FM/Db2
Import function by typing '3.6' on the FM/Db2 main menu and pressing
Process Options Utilities Help
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────FM/Db2 (DFF2) Import Utility
Command ===>
From Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set:
Data set name . . . EXPORT.EMPDET
Member . . . . . .
Volume . . . . . .
Start position . . 1
Import count . . . ALL Number of rows to import
From Copybook or Template:
Data set name . . . FM.TEMPLATE
Member . . . . . . EMPUL
Processing Options:
Template usage Enter "/", "A"lways to select option
1 1. Above Edit options
2. Previous Edit template
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
Press Enter to display the FM/Db2 Import "To"
Type 'FMNCUSR' and 'Employee-Detail-Copy' on the FM/Db2 Import To field panel as shown in Import Utility To... panel.
Press Enter to confirm the Delete all rows option is set (See Confirmation panel for Delete all rows) and then press Enter to start the Import process. The
Import Report panel is displayed. See Import Report panel. Figure 3. Import Utility To... panel
Process Options Utilities Help
Command ===>
To Db2 Object:
Location . . . . . Database . . . (optional)
Owner . . . . . . . FMNCUSR + Table Space . . (optional)
Name . . . . . . . Employee-Detail-Copy +
Data set name . . .
Member . . . . . .
Processing Options:
Template usage Enter "/", "A"lways to select option
3 1. Above Edit options
2. Previous Edit template mapping
3. Generate from table Batch execution
4. Generate/Replace
Use REXX proc
REXX proc name . .
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
Figure 4. Confirmation panel for Delete all rows
Delete Confirmation
You have requested to delete all existing rows of the
DB2 object:
Press ENTER to proceed with the DB2 table import.
Press EXIT or CANCEL to abort import.
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward
F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel