Step 3. Take a copy of the FM/Db2 IVP tables

Log on to FM/Db2 and connect to the same Db2® system specified in Step 1. Define Db2 objects to be used during verification. Select the Db2® Utilities function by typing '3.9' on the FM/Db2 main menu and press Enter. See Db2 Utilities panel.

Enter the name of the FM/Db2 IVP database in the Database field, select the COPY utility and Table spaces. Press Enter.
Figure 1. Db2® Utilities panel
  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFF2)                   Db2 Utilities
 Command ===>                                                                  
                                                                    More:     +
 Processing Options:
    Db2 Utility:   (valid obj)   Object Type:          Specification:
    1  1. COPY        (2,3)      2  1. Tables          1  1. Object name
       2. LOAD        (1)           2. Table spaces       2. LISTDEF
       3. REBUILD     (4,5)         3. Index spaces
       4. RECOVER     (2,3)         4. Indexes
       5. REORG       (2,4)         5. Indexes for table spaces
       6. RUNSTATS    (2,4)
       7. UNLOAD      (1,2)

 Db2 Object Details:             (* for list in any field)
    Database  . . . . . FMNCIVD 
    Table/Index space .         

    Table or Index:
    Owner . . . . . . .                   +
    Name  . . . . . . .                                                     +
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

See COPY Utility panel (Table Spaces).

This display shows the table spaces defined in the FM/Db2 IVP data base. Type s against every entry and press Enter.
Figure 2. COPY Utility panel (Table Spaces)
  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 FM/Db2 (DFF2)            COPY Utility (Table Spaces)           Row 1 to 4 of 4
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 

 S P          Table    F Change  R
 e R Database Space    C Limits  P Part'n Number       Allocation
 l C Name     Name     P One Two O Number Tables     Primary Secdry       Space
 S   FMNCIVD  FMNCIVSC Y         Y 00001       1           5      5           0
 S   FMNCIVD  FMNCIVSD Y         Y 00001       1           5      5           0
 S   FMNCIVD  FMNCIVSE Y         Y 00001       1           5      5           0
 S   FMNCIVD  FMNCIVSR Y         Y 00001       1           5      5           0
 S   FMNCIVD  FMNCIVSS Y         Y 00001       1           5      5           0
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap

FM/Db2 displays an ISPF edit session with a job that takes an image copy of the selected table spaces. Check the following carefully:

Submit the job. The expected return code is RC=0.