Controlling the use of the COBOL compiler

A FACILITY CLASS profile is provided to allow you to control access to a licensed site COBOL compiler, IGYCRCTL:

If a user ID running File Manager has CONTROL access (or above) to this profile, then the licensed site compiler, if available, will always be used for compiling templates from COBOL copybooks. If this profile does not exist, or if the user ID has less than ACCESS CONTROL to this profile, the File Manager COBOL compiler will be used. See Using a licensed site COBOL compiler and Using the File Manager COBOL compiler.

To achieve this, File Manager makes RACROUTE calls, with STATUS=ACCESS, to the FACILITY profiles.

When RACF® is used, the STATUS=ACCESS request works as documented, and no security-related logging or abends are generated, even if you do not have access to the profile.

When a non-RACF security product such as ACF2 is used, an abend S047 might be issued in response to the above RACROUTE request. In this case, consult the product documentation and make changes accordingly.